Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Let's see what this iPhone camera can do...ugh

Across Walker Rd. from the apartments' drive, this azalea bush ? was still bright by the home. Five magnifications on my phone doesn't give a very clear photo for details.

These are  unknowns magnified 5 times...so they look more like blurs, perhaps Rhododendrons.

And this phone camera is no better than the old one at capturing rose red nuances. 
Second try on red roses will be another post. They are great as contrast to the bush!

But how about capturing these gorgeous peppers at the grocery?

There the red looks right! I wonder why it washed out to pink on the roses!

But how about really bright pink flowers?

Today's quote:

There is much we can learn from the ocean, as we have a similar inner landscape within us as well.


  1. ...perhaps all phones aren't created equally or the learning carve is different.

  2. Hello,
    My phone does not take good photos, especially long distance images. The flowers are all lovely and the peppers look great.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, that's definitely one of the difficulties. Just what I can see is not what that camera can see.

  3. Red can be tough in the digital age, maybe even in film for all I know. The problem with zooming on a phone is that the lens doesn't really zoom. It really just enlarges the image which degrades the quality. I often just shoot without zooming and crop later in post, It's the same thing really. But they are so handy in the right conditions, and the peppers turned out great.

    1. I've noticed cropping still has distortion of missing pixels. And my new computer doesn't have HD screen, so if I look hard, there's not much detail anyway.

  4. My daughter told me not to try zooming in with iPhone. If I want a close up I should get physically closer.

    1. That's probably the best way...or be satisfied with tiny little details that don't show well.

  5. I don't have a camera phone. The peppers do look pretty good in their colours. I have problems with flowers so that is a subject I don't often take photos of.

    1. That's a great way of dealing with them. Today I saw some tiny blue flowers, and usually they are a failure...photographs anyway.

  6. The only problem I have with photographing with my mobile is that the zoom isn't really functional.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.