Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

It's Cuban cuisine!

Tucked in along other small shops is the latest restaurant to open in Black Mountain NC.  Cousins Cuban Cafe.  I found a parking spot early on Saturday and was happy to order a to-go of Cuban Bread.

A nice clean homey atmosphere was great for a few people eating their breakfasts.

 I took my bread home, buttered and toasted it, and let it crumble down my front as it brought back memories of Tampa. Of course since I've gone vegetarian, I can't enjoy a Cuban Sandwich...or wonderful garbanzo soup with sausage. But I could have done with some guava jelly...oh well. Next time...


  1. Hello,
    Sounds like a nice restaurant, pretty mural on the wall. I have never tried Cuban bread.
    Take care, have a happy day!

    1. It's basically like French white bread...a long loaf. In Tampa it's baked always with a frond of a palm tree in it. I don't know where this bread was baked, but it was nice and flakey!

  2. That was an unexpected little treat for you.

    1. Yes, and I put margarine on it (which isn't on my Ornish diet.) It tasted good.

  3. We have a number of restaurants in the downtown area, but not one serves Cuban cuisine. Glad you found a new place to enjoy and hope it does well.

    1. Cuban in North Carolina is pretty rare too. Lots of Mexican, Thai, Chinese and Japanese are here already. I hope this little place makes it.

  4. I'm going to google around to see how Cuban bread is made. I've never heard of it before!

    1. As I mentioned on my first reply...it's a lot like a French baggette - traditionally a loaf has a frond of palm tree baked in the top.

  5. I think I've had Cuban food once in New York and it was meaty. My older daughter is a vegetarian so it was difficult to find things she could eat. I'd like to try it again, but Cuban restaurants aren't prevalent here.

    1. A rare treat indeed...I used to love getting soup with a piece of bread for lunch when I lived in Tampa, which has a large population of older Cuban families. They were the ones making famous cigars there.

  6. A nice new discovery for you. I never had Cuban cuisine before but I would give it a try.

    1. Good for you. With all the recipes on line, you might be able to fix something at home.

  7. The food I ate while in Cuba was so delicious -- but yes, lots of meat. Goat, chicken and fish. And the coffee -- oh the coffee! Best I've ever had. Glad you found this place and enjoyed a treat.

    1. I need to try their coffee at Cousins...I've heard from a friend that it's really good. My son and his wife went on a cruise to Cuba from Tampa, just had one day in Havana...and I never heard of what they might have had to eat!


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