Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Our lovely Blue Ridge Parkway


A couple of vintage photos...of an area nearby which I fail to visit as often as I would like.

So let's see some of my older photos of actual visits there. Swing back to 2012. Remember when Obama was President?

It was early October, and only a few leaves had changed color.

Sharing with Sepia Saturday...come on over to see what other vintage photos might have been shared by others.


  1. ...I'd love to drive the parkway in a '57 Chevrolet. It's nice to see the smilax leaves in color.

  2. Such a treasure and so nearby. I need to visit it more often. Love the old postcard!

  3. It has been a very long time since we've been on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I think we took it the year we went backpacking in the Shining Rocks Wilderness Area. Do you know of that spot? That was long before kids for us. We also went camping outside the Smokies when we had kids. My parents were along with their trailer and we had tents. The private campground was lovely but I remember being woken in the night with the sound of a truck dumping a huge load of something. Apparently that was an illegal dumping that's why it was in the middle of the night.
    Neat to have those old postcards and yes I do remember fondly Obama as president. I want to read his memoir.

  4. The photos you share here have made me fall in love with North Carolina. I wish it wasn't so far away. It's so beautiful.

  5. Love that vintage postcard! I've heard that NC was beautiful and hope to visit some day.

  6. Great old postcards and lovely photos. So beautiful in the fall (I imagine!).

  7. Wonderful photos. I also really like the old postcard. It would make a good poster.

  8. The first two postcards capture the early years of family road trips to natural sites. Your later photos remind us that those natural wonders await when we can once again travel.

  9. Thank you for giving me a beautiful overview of North Carolina. I always have liked vintage travel posters and did like your first image of the car on that scary high road.

  10. We tried to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway on a really foggy day. Guess we should try again sometime.


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