Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, November 27, 2020

Last Wed. Walking the Lake


Can you see the Public Works guys in orange shirts putting up Christmas decorations on the balcony of the Lakeview Center?

And behold! there are children on the new playground surface! The actual equipment hasn't changed with having the playground closed for 2 weeks. But now kids will fall on a rubbery surface, should they tumble!

Water is still being discharged, keeping the lake level low so construction can continue on the incoming stream.

The water level kept going down all last week. (Taken on Wed. Nov. 18)

My Thanksgiving plans went down the tubes with an internet which was drowned, swamped or otherwise disabled by 1.) rain on the day prior, or 2.) overload of the servers on the holiday. I tried rebooting the modem and router several times with instructions from technical advisors. Still couldn't download pictures, nor Facebook, which is a large program by itself. My phone finally was able to get the weather program to work. But I will have some kind of service technician come on Mon. Nov. 30, or maybe sooner according to some waiting line. I don't think I can work on the newsletter that should go out on Dec. 1. But we shall see.


  1. I am not sure how you managed to post this with your internet not working, but you did. I hope the internet and the rest of the weekend go well.

    1. Yay on getting posted to the world today! By last night I was able to do a few things...but couldn't stream my Netflix show (The Crown) which was alright. Our limited internet service has been a bother for a while, and then even my TV service on the same cable had several channels changed, which is not a cable problem of course. Just an entertainment one. Oh my, it showed me how much I depend upon that internet! I'm feeling very grateful to have received the comments on my blogs! And today I can make replies to them too!

  2. ...technology can be a problem.

    1. I'm reminded of how people sit around a table, or in the living room, with their various screens to do whatever they wish on, rather than talking with each other. I am so grateful when my internet is chugging along well, and hope the holiday problem (or wet cables) is solvable.

  3. I hope things work out with your internet connection.

    1. Thanks Robin...I talked to a customer service rep today and changed my plan. She told me the increase from 10 channels to 150 would cost about $20 more. But the plan I was already buying from the only cable company in the area, was giving me the ability to stream, which I never wanted. So the new plan actually costs a few dollars less. I'm so happy.

  4. I live alone so the internet is a lifeline for me. Hope yours is fixed soon. Kids do love to play and it's so important for them to be outside doing so!

    1. The cable company texted me that my problem was solved today. So I cancelled my appointment for Monday. We shall see when it rains again!

  5. Hello,
    I am glad the playground is already popular. The lake views will be pretty when they finish and take down the orange fencing. Sorry your internet connection went wacko. Take care, have a happy day. Have a great weekend ahead.

    1. Yes, I'm really tired of the ongoing construction. I miss seeing ducks and geese this time of year!

  6. That rubber surface is used on at least one playground here, and no doubt more.

    1. Me too, I dare say more playgrounds have that surface these days.

  7. I hate problems with internet connections. We had one tonight and it took about 3 hours before we could get back online.

    1. Isn't life so dull without the internet? I started reading a real book today. But then I contracted for more TV stations to watch, and maybe one or two will actually be enjoyable.


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