Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, November 2, 2020

Some plants around the house

This pretty succulent is a daughter of one I got at a wedding 2 years ago. Thanks Barb and Marty for the cute gift!

There's a lot happening in the little shallow dish she's growing out of...

A leaf that fell off is blossoming into a new plant!

And this jade plant has also rooted from a leaf. I've got 2 more planters full of these jade plants...they are very prolific!

I have had this purple Oxalis, shamrock, in this same pot, for many years...I forget when I first stuck it in here. The little bucket has no drainage, and as the plant has dying leaves, I just shove them back into the bottom of the leaves, creating it's own compost...and water it maybe weekly. I love how it contrasts with green plants.

One of my orchid plants is trying to bloom again...with this stem stretching up. I'll do a splint for it soon, so it won't strain the stem whenever it blooms.

 These two huge Kalancho plants have spent the summer outside, and are pretty healthy. Some of the leaves should fall off during the winter. I'm glad I was able to give another Kalancho to a friend...spreading the greenery!


  1. ...I've given up on indoor plants!

    1. I am letting about 5-6 plants freeze outside, which I've lugged inside for about 3-4 winters. I just don't have room for any more!

  2. Hello,

    The jade plant is so pretty, I used to have a big one years ago. It did not survive many moves.
    Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your day! Have a great week!

    1. Happy new week to you. It's due to be a busy one!

  3. You sure seem to know what you are doing with indoor gardening.

    Excellent final pic.

    1. Thanks...sometimes I just water things, and sometimes I forget.

  4. It's so nice to have green plants (and purple) inside during the winter. Yours are looking good!

    1. This is after they've just come inside...I probably won't take more photos as they adapt to hotter dry air inside.

  5. I have very few plants now. It was impossible to move all the ones I had. I will remedy that in December when we move to a house. Lots of light and space for plants plus I just discovered a gift card to Gardeners Supply that was a Mother's Day gift.(I'd forgotten about it). Lucky for me they have a shop here in Lebanon.

    1. Great to hear you're going to have a house next month...and probably some gardens will be part of your plans. Congrats. Yes, moving potted plants is really a pain. How nice that you have a gift card for gardening supplies!

  6. You do have lovely plants there. A beautiful view of green and purple!

    1. Thanks Robin...I'm enjoying them...just gotta remember to water them now!

  7. Our indoor plants seem to be growing all the time. Our Jade plant is the tallest and fattest and sits in the window. It loves the location and doesn't seem to need lots of sun.

    1. Oh I love the big jade plants...these are little tiny sprouts, like a carpet of ground cover. I'm not sure I want so much horizontal green!

  8. I love the idea of indoor plants but kill every single one. (or my cat eats them)

  9. I don't have many house plants. I think our well water kills them. But I do have one I need to photograph. I'll try to remember to do it this week.


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