Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, November 13, 2020

One Door Closes...


Today I graduated from Pulmonary Rehab! 

I have been tested to see if I can walk further, or be able to do more modified squats (to standing from the edge of my chair.) And the results are being announced to my group of other patients.

I had a group that dwindled down while I was in rehab...whether people dropped out, were sick, or what, I don't know. So there were just 4 of us who graduated out of I think 6 who started together.

I noticed that a huge group (say 18 or so) patients are doing the cardiac rehab on the same days we do...MW & F afternoons. They are doing lots of exercises wearing those heart monitors, then have some sitting balancing and stretching training, and then do a few minutes of quiet meditation...much like the Ornish program, only just a few minutes to do "stress management." Ornish had an hour, with yoga and breathing techniques, then at least 15-20 min. of deep meditation. But I'm glad those folks are learning the importance of reducing stress in order to be more healthy.

The really sad part of all this, is having seen so many sick people be served in Heart Path...where cardiac rehab is offered. It reminds me of the hospital where a whole wing of a floor had nothing but cardiac patients. This is the number one cause of death for lots of us...whether looking at elders, or those who are obese...or just women. And I was all of those!  And the list of cardiologist doctors on the wall at the entrance to the Heart Path building is staggering.

I see all the folks in rehab, or in rooms at the hospital, or in a waiting room at a cardiologists office, and think, some of these folks aren't going to make it. And I have no way of knowing who's more likely to live several more years or not. I wonder if the technicians can tell.

I'm glad I'm not in a medical profession these days.

On a final note, not exactly uplifting unfortunately. The Ornish program is being put on hold as of December. The owners of our hospital and rehab facilities (Mission was bought by "for-profit" Hospital Corporation of America, HCA) are probably looking at the bottom line of the cardio rehab business. And if it doesn't make a profit for them, they may not want to continue offering it. Just think like this (I'm ashamed to say I do think like this)..."why keep these heart attack survivors alive longer, when a second heart operation would mean  more billable surgeries and beds full in the hospital?"

And now I'm going to just live my life one day at a time, including somewhere I can go exercise at least 3 times a week. Yesterday I signed up at our local YMCA. It's a bit smaller than the gym at the Heart Path center...but there's someone who can show me how to use some of the things I haven't used. And there's a heated pool. Of course there's no wearing masks in the pool, so I probably won't use it till Covid is behind us.

Speaking of which...the stats are ugly for today. Even though vaccines are apparently beginning to be available...there is talk that they will only last for a year. For now, I am skeptical that I'll get the vaccine right away. We shall see.


  1. Well done on your progress!
    It isn't surprising that a new vaccine would only last a year... don't we have an annual 'flu' jag?

  2. Pfizer has apparently said that they can produce 1.6 billion vaccines by the end of 2021. That leaves the world about 6 billion short. I think the USA, however, has bought the rights to more than enough for their purposes.

  3. ...when one door closes, another one opens.

  4. Hello,

    I have to say, I love your header, beautiful photo. Congrats on finishing your program. It is great to hear they are making progress with a Covid vaccine. It seems the positive cases are increasing all around our country. Take care and stay safe. Have a happy weekend!

  5. Hope all goes well at the YMCA and that you can keep up with your heart exercises. So many changes happening right now, stay safe and healthy there.

  6. You seem determined to keep up the fitness work which is commendable. Many people don't and go back to their unhealthy habits. I'm not counting on a vaccine until mid-2021 and hoping I can get it, in spite of its side effects.

  7. Things do feel discouraging right now.

  8. Glad you finished your rehab. I hope you have success at the YMCA. Exercise is important! It is too bad you can't use the pool. A dip in a heated pool is always so uplifting, I think. Stay well.

  9. Congratulations! Not everybody has that determination to get well.
    The vaccine sounds very promising - as do some of the others currently researched - but the process of vaccination alone will take months and months.
    Lucky for us, we can do a lot to not catch or spread the virus by wearing masks when in public, keeping a distance, good hand sanitation and airing those stuffy rooms when sharing with others.
    Imagine what it would be like if we didn't do all that.

  10. It was a sad day for Wnc when Mission became for profit.

  11. Congrats on finishing rehab! The covid stats are indeed disheartening. Virginia just went back a stage, not a lockdown but more restrictions on groups. If people would cooperate, we could beat this thing. Yet they won't.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.