Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, November 29, 2020

More at the lake


Silhouetted Evening Primrose remains against Lake Tomahawk one Thurs. morning in Nov.

The sign tells about Evening Primroses, which of course are now dormant.

Thurs. the mechanism which drains the lake. Note all the ducks sleeping in the shadows.

This Canada Goose was scary, approached me with his eye on my face, and I clapped and shouted "get away." I've never had a goose attack me, and wasn't about to let this lonely one do so. There wasn't another goose at the lake that day!

More rocks of different sizes were piled high, then placed where they belonged. (Thurs)

By Friday there was dirt spread around, and the stream seemed to be wider above the new falls.

My favorite seat is a bench on the earthen dam, looking north to the Seven Sisters Mountains. Tomahawk is the closest one. Somewhere in there is Greybeard.

Friday shows all the decorations finished on the Lakeview Center for Active Aging. All of us Seniors are active just walking round the lake these days!


  1. Hello,
    The lake looks like a beautiful place, the views of the mountains are lovely. It is a great spot for the seniors to walk, love the last reflection shot. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  2. ...the cost of the lake restoration must be HUGE!

  3. They really are doing quite a job at the lake. Wow!
    About your top photo with the planets, I'm wondering when you photographed it and what direction you were facing. It does look like it could be Jupiter and Saturn.

  4. FYI: Sue has had quite a bit of success (with controlling coughing) with Zinc lozenges. Maybe they would work for you too.

    BTW: my sleep issues don't seem to have much to do with worry and stress.

  5. Another blue sky day. We've had lots of clouds though today it's blue now.

  6. The lake is surrounded by beautiful scenery, I can see why people enjoy walking around it.

  7. I'm not usually in favor of Christmas decorations before December but this year I think we could all use the extra cheer.

  8. i am sure that lovely CANADA Goose meant you no harm and only wanted to make friends. We Canadians are a pretty sociable bunch!


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