Wednesday, November 18, 2020

It's Cuban cuisine!

Tucked in along other small shops is the latest restaurant to open in Black Mountain NC.  Cousins Cuban Cafe.  I found a parking spot early on Saturday and was happy to order a to-go of Cuban Bread.

A nice clean homey atmosphere was great for a few people eating their breakfasts.

 I took my bread home, buttered and toasted it, and let it crumble down my front as it brought back memories of Tampa. Of course since I've gone vegetarian, I can't enjoy a Cuban Sandwich...or wonderful garbanzo soup with sausage. But I could have done with some guava jelly...oh well. Next time...


  1. Hello,
    Sounds like a nice restaurant, pretty mural on the wall. I have never tried Cuban bread.
    Take care, have a happy day!

    1. It's basically like French white bread...a long loaf. In Tampa it's baked always with a frond of a palm tree in it. I don't know where this bread was baked, but it was nice and flakey!

  2. That was an unexpected little treat for you.

    1. Yes, and I put margarine on it (which isn't on my Ornish diet.) It tasted good.

  3. We have a number of restaurants in the downtown area, but not one serves Cuban cuisine. Glad you found a new place to enjoy and hope it does well.

    1. Cuban in North Carolina is pretty rare too. Lots of Mexican, Thai, Chinese and Japanese are here already. I hope this little place makes it.

  4. I'm going to google around to see how Cuban bread is made. I've never heard of it before!

    1. As I mentioned on my first's a lot like a French baggette - traditionally a loaf has a frond of palm tree baked in the top.

  5. I think I've had Cuban food once in New York and it was meaty. My older daughter is a vegetarian so it was difficult to find things she could eat. I'd like to try it again, but Cuban restaurants aren't prevalent here.

    1. A rare treat indeed...I used to love getting soup with a piece of bread for lunch when I lived in Tampa, which has a large population of older Cuban families. They were the ones making famous cigars there.

  6. A nice new discovery for you. I never had Cuban cuisine before but I would give it a try.

    1. Good for you. With all the recipes on line, you might be able to fix something at home.

  7. The food I ate while in Cuba was so delicious -- but yes, lots of meat. Goat, chicken and fish. And the coffee -- oh the coffee! Best I've ever had. Glad you found this place and enjoyed a treat.

    1. I need to try their coffee at Cousins...I've heard from a friend that it's really good. My son and his wife went on a cruise to Cuba from Tampa, just had one day in Havana...and I never heard of what they might have had to eat!


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