Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Improvements at the lake


What a cute little hot rod! I imagine a young guy and a bobby-soxer gal riding in it, but I think it's more likely an older guy who just wants to be the young guy still. Who else can afford to make a car creation like this?

There a new swing with a safety harness for tiny tots. The newly paved area is still closed off for kids to play behind orange plastic fencing.

More orange plastic fencing with mounds of dirt, and the ever-preseent bush-hog, or whatever these are called.

Well, that yellow thing is new, definitely.

OK, there's a nice little waterfall...and they've widened the creek a bit before it flows over the waterfall. No idea what the yellow dam is there to catch.

The lake is still not 100% full.  But Saturday's sunshine made for a most enjoyable walk around Lake Tomahawk.

These ducks in the shadows look kind of bored. That's the spillway behind them, high and dry. The pipe valve is releasing water pretty fast through the dam, so who knows when the lake will be full enough for water to flow over the spillway.


  1. Hello,

    It will be nice to have all the work done, the ducks and kiddies will be happy. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. The playground is finished as of Monday, Nov. 16. I haven't been there when it's been warm enough for kids to try it out.

  2. ...that three window coupe is sweet!

    1. When I was in the Cardio Rehab, one of the guys there (patient) was working on rebuilding an old car, and another patient talked with him about the one(s) he'd rebuilt. These are guys i their 60s-80s!

  3. They are definitely making progress there. Love seeing the blue skies.

    1. It is ongoing to drop by and see what progress is being made.

  4. What a wonderful little car! My husband still hasn't forgiven his folks for selling his cherished mode-A when he went into the Marine Corps.

    1. Oh no, that's really a shame for John. I dare say his parents thought he would be leaving behind him the things "of his youth>"

  5. Replies
    1. II have no idea...but if they aren't asleep, or eating (or chasing each other) that was my assumption.

  6. Nice day for your walk. Come spring it will be filled and lovely to see.

    1. The weather was really nice then...but now on Tues, it's turned cold again.

  7. They are doing a good job and the kids will like it when they can have access. Looks like a nice day there.

    1. If the weather weren't bitterly cold with a 14-17 mph wind coming off the water, maybe there would be kids playing on the equipment.

  8. Replies
    1. I was surprised to see it, and missed seeing it drive away.


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