Monday, November 16, 2020

Final day rehab

 Last Friday I graduated...

I never learned how to operate these weight machines...but I plan to at the YMCA!

I love the New Balance machines...and use them for my warm-ups.

I'm not a biker. But it shows how every-other-one of the machine is closed to use, so we could remain 6 feet apart.

And here are the "coaches" that got me through 8 weeks of Pulmonary Rehab. Actually Carolyn on the left with hair bun is an exerciser therapist, and Tonya on the right is a Rehabilitation Therapist. They were great to work with. For the photo I asked them to take off their masks and hold their breaths...thus we all look a bit puffed up!


  1. Hello,

    Congrats! You are doing so good, great news! I was thinking about buying an exercise bike for my home, just to get through the winter. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

    1. Good idea...I'm going to the Y during the winter...started today (Mon) even though the sun was was chilly. The Y was pretty easy to work with.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, dear cheer leading friend. I love your enthusiasm. I worked out at the Y this morning. It's harder doing it on my own, but I want to keep my momentum goiong.

  3. Congratulations. Is the Y open for exercise?

    1. Our Y has limit of 30% capacity now...per our stage 3 of pandemic guidelines from Gov. Cooper here in NC. There weren't but a half dozen people on the machines, and some of them are blocked off so people stay 6 feet from each other, while wearing masks. The routine is to use disinfectant wipes before starting to exercise, then to wipe it down again when we're through.

  4. Love that photo of you and the coaches.

    1. I miss having the routine and encouragement they gave me. At the Y today I was able to work out at about 80% of the level I did at the rehab gym. No reason, but maybe some anxiety about being in a new environment.

  5. Congrats to you! Have a wonderful new week.

    1. Thanks. I started out at the Y today, and am hoping to keep going there, either 3 times a week, or more often.

  6. Great job! I am trying to exercise outdoors in spite of the rainy weather. You seem determined and have progressed so well!

    1. It's kind of like rolling down hill...easy to keep the momentum going, and hoping that I can stay doing it.


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