Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Two recent events

  Saturday, July 27, was cloudy and cool. Ahhhh, I could breathe! I found I couldn't walk fast, but with pacing myself, I could tour around a bit of the market grounds.

Entertainers gave some nice classic rock and roll songs, but the female singer was the drummer, and you couldn't hear her singing over the drums. Poor mike setup.

I got a kick out of the fairy crowns, lots of pretty sparkly and flowery ones. None for me this time!

The line for baked goods, with Genevieve's jewelry display in the foreground. Genevieve is Amelia's daughter, and since we're kind of shy of other Mud Buddies showing their work, she is welcome to display and make a few sales. The little pillows are for heating or cooling, filled with rice, to perhaps put across your forehead or under your neck.

My pottery, with Cathy's plates and bears in the foreground

Amelia's pottery

A coffee pour-over cone...need to bring a paper cone for inside it next week as nobody seemed to know what it was for.

A very old bowl I made way back when...(it has a date on it)

Outside of old bowl.

Everyone had a few sales, so it was a good day. I was especially grateful for cloudy day with mild temperatures! Yay breathing!

And this next Saturday, Aug 3, will have lots of things available. Don't believe the weather forecast...usually rain doesn't come until after noon, when we've all packed up and gone home


Since I live in a senior community, back in pre-pandemic days, we used to have a non-profit bring fresh "day-old" produce to give out to those who wished to stand in line to select what they wanted. It stopped of course when gatherings were frowned upon as germ scatterers.

But last Wednesday we were visited after noontime by a truck giving out veggies and fruits again.

Bounty and Soul is a local non-profit which provides the donated (surplus or slightly damaged) veggies and fruits to those who can use them. They have been distributing on Saturdays for quite a while (maybe during pandemic even) at a nearby empty parking lot to all ages. But I haven't been going there.

The other side of the truck opens up to show the produce under a canopy!

So I joined my neighbors in line for a couple of pretty apples, a small sweet potato, a couple of tomatoes, and a loaf of sourdough bread. There were many other things available, onions, celery, peppers, etc. I just know I have trouble eating fresh produce before it goes bad, so didn't want too much.

What a true bounty for us! I'm very grateful for all the senior programs (though this is for all ages) that are provided by various government or non-profit organizations.


From the movie "Past Lives" the Korean phrase is "In Yun" it translates closest to destiny ...but also is about reincarnation, Also "Inyeon" the connection between people that survives each lifetime.


Today's quote:

Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted – a paved road or a washing machine? If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.



  1. That food distribution is a nice thing. Somehow, I think Americans do better at that sort of thing than we do.

  2. What a nice program to distribute fresh food. There's a program here called Willing Hands that does the same. It's offered at our town hall one day a week. I know several farms send their excess produce there.

    1. That sounds great. I loved learning that the French grocery stores donate produce to some food banks. Most of the ones around here do as well.

  3. ...Bounty and Soul is a clever name.

    1. It is a good name for what they're doing. They also show how the current produce can be used by having a recipe available.

  4. Replies
    1. It certainly is a good idea. Many of us elders have limited income, so it was great to have free produce.

  5. Looks like this was a great event -- and your pottery is gorgeous! Glad you had some sales. Also nice to see that produce truck stop by again. Always great to get fresh items brought straight to your door.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.