Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Flat Creek gets rehabilitation project

 Black Mountain has just received funding to improve the Flat Creek banks and other things that will help it be more stable (especially thinking about floods). Here's a link telling about it.

It flows directly into the Swannanoa River. One friend has been concerned by the Swannanoa continuing to have e-coli levels above the safe zone for dogs or humans to swim in it. This may or may not do anything to improve that, since there are a lot of other sites that might be contributing to the problem. We shall see.

Do check out the photos published on the link. I've walked that path (a greenway) in Black Mountain by the Flat Creek, but never noticed all these problems with the banks. 


Personal comments: I stayed home from Tailgate Market yesterday. I could have pushed myself there...but was aware that would be pushing against my own health. So health trumped selling pottery.

After sleeping with window open a few nights, and having AC cleaned out, I am happier in my apartment, but still have lots of gunk in my lungs to clear out. I do sleep with a C-PAP, which helps give me a bit of air that goes through a filter...not a really tight one. But I slept through the night, then woke to lots of coughs all morning long. After nebulizing a bit more coughing. But it continues through noon when I'm writing this. Interestingly enough, if I'm eating, no coughing! Until I drink ice water...a big trigger I've found. However my appetite is out the window. I just ate a few chips, and a frozen key lime pie. Hey they're vegetables!

Afternoon nap and woke with the fever. I'd forgotten to take my morning meds, so combined them with evening group...not duplicating 2 that I take for each time. Tylenol is hopefully helping. I also feel somewhat fuzzy headed. Need to eat something...


Today's quote:

I cannot tell the truth about anything unless I confess being a student, growing and learning something new every day.



  1. ...health trumps everything.

  2. Hello,
    Your health is very important, Take good care of yourself.
    I am waiting for some nice weather to open all my windows.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

    1. Oh won't it be lovely when temperatures improve!

  3. You continue to struggle.

    When you talked about your river and e coli, I thought of our beaches. They are opposite each other, each on it's side of the river. One has been tested as being safe for swimming; the other failed. This is just current and temporary, but I find it puzzling.

    1. Yes, and I am really tired of reporting my health issues...as I imagine my readers are as well! I have the control to leave them out most of the time, so that's my goal. Two sides of the same river with different water quality is quite strange. Yes, another test should be run. Glad to hear there's swimming available for the young ones. Photos?

    2. Your readers want to know how you are doing!
      People have been terribly kind.
      Our local beaches, not far from AC, get e-coli after a rain storm. It washed into the rivers, sadly.

  4. The beaches here are given coloured flags to show their status. In the area we live in all the beaches have blue flags which means they are doing fine and all the criteria has been met.

    1. That sounds so good. I'm getting my towel, be right over...

  5. it is wise not to push yourself too hard. The ice water being a trigger is surprising.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.