Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Porch flowers

 Just a few seem happy with the frequent rains and high afternoon temperatures (with brutal sun before the rains.)

This monster leaf coleus has continued to send out more huge leaves...very colorful little tree! I just cut off a few beginning flowers, so it will keep on making more leaves.

I'm thrilled that the petunias are still blooming.

The geranium has been too wet, so I've pruned out some leaves and stems in hopes a bit more air going through the plant will kill of the beginning of a fungus. we shall see.


Healthwise, another hiccough...Tuesday had one of my intermittent fevers that have no rhyme nor reason...just sudden chills and fever, which responds to Tylenol. I stayed in bed pretty much the rest of the day (except getting up to see Olympics). Feeling just low energy today (Wed.) and am posting my lunch, what I eat when sick (since I don't have the energy to fix a cheese sandwich.)

Today's quote:

Attention is the doorway to gratitude, the doorway to wonder, the doorway to reciprocity.



  1. Tomato soup is a good soup, but I am the only one of my beloveds who thinks so.

    1. There was chicken noodle the day before. I sure can eat solid foods, but being delayed in activity I'm not very hungry. Just breathing as well as possible.

  2. Fever and coughing- I think your medical team is out to lunch! Clearly! Shopping for good doctors is a pain but I think it may be a good idea. I must do the same...insurance has overtaken the med profession, dictating what treatments and tests it will cover, recommending their own non medical ideas...I do not trust the med profession any more.

    1. Thanks for your concerns. I have an excellent pulmonologist who's taught me all the methods (with different machines) to help my chronic cough...bronchiectasis. I am sorry when I say I have a cough that people think I should get over it. I need to cough to clear my lungs, so these machines help me do so. The fever is one that just suddenly comes, and then is gone after rest and Tylenol. It doesn't seem related to the bronchiectasis..at least as far as my physicans (2 of them) can figure out. However with the new method of contacting through a web page to the pulmonologist, I haven't really been in discussion with him. I also have a care coordinator who I have a monthly conversation with (or more often as needed)...a Physician's Assistant. He's part of the same practice as my GP. I'm going to post this to my page, since people seldom look at my replies to comments!

    2. Ok then, I guess I won't have to go over to your house and follow you to your doctor's appointments to FIRE THEM!!! haha,

  3. Chicken soup and tomato soup are my favourites when I'm not feeling good.

  4. Such a lush scene! Hope you feel better soon

  5. I've gained a new appreciation for coleus over the past few years. They make a wonderful show. I plant mine with angel leaf begonia that I overwinter. No success with overwintering coleus, alas.

  6. Your coleus looks wonderful and they are one of my favorite plants for the summer. I read your comment concerning your health and you certainly have my prayers. Lung issues are tough. Please be well and I appreciate you taking the time to link up.

  7. Your porch flowers are beautiful. Love the coleus and the purple petunia. Plus your soup smells delish. I am a big tomato soup fan especially tomato bisque.

  8. ...life is about too much and too little.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.