Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Summer winding down

The pool officially closes on Labor Day. But since most kids start school this week, it has limited hours.

What a difference from the crowds in June and July!  This last week has also been quite cool, with mid-70s F in the day and into the 50s at night. I keep the living room windows open, but the bedroom window is just cracked a bit so I don't have to get the winter blanket out yet. I'm already under a sheet , a blanket and a bedspread (a light-weight quilt).

This is the nebulizer, which lets me breath saline solution, and I pretend I'm on a beach breathing the salty air there. It helps my cough be productive.  Then I also inhale Albuterol, which helps my lungs somehow.  And if I'm a very good girl, I'll sit and vibrate with the vest for 15 min. All in all, I have to set aside about 20 min. for each procedure, with the set-up and then washing the nebulizing equipment.


From last week's DNC...a bit on climate change, thank you very much, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland!

Today's quote:

John Locke said, "Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours."


  1. The summer has flown by. The schools open here tomorrow. I hope the nebulizer is helping you, feel better. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen, I'm feeling much better, but need to push myself to keep doing the nebulizer, since when I feel good I don't want to spend the effort. Dr. said I could skip it when I'm not coughing...but that seldom happens. Have a great new week coming along.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Tom, I enjoyed your barns this morning. Isn't it great to have some coolness in the air?

  3. Our schools always open the day after Labour Day. Those first few days in a non-AC classroom, as mine always were, were bad enough. I am glad we waited that long to open. We go until the end of June, or almost, and it gets hot then too.

    1. Interesting take on the school year, the heat as experienced by a teacher. And I imagine there was some prep work before the school opened also. One of my granddaughters went to prep a week ago in OH where she's teaching her first year - fifth grade. Teachers are the backbone of our education and need better salaries and supplies (always) especially here in NC.

  4. School begins next week here. I bet lots of people used the pool this summer with all the heat. As usual we have a rainy week forecast, it's very old but no heatwaves and I am grateful for that. I'll take rain any time over heat. Hope you have a good beginning to the new week.

    1. Thanks. The week does look promising, though no rain here. I'm watering the porch plants by hand!

  5. Being a good girl- stayin' alive! You keep on keeping on- coughing all of the time is so tiring and now of course, people look at me as suspect when coughing fits take me by surprise! I think you may be able to relate to that.

    1. Oh yes. Cough cough cough and people want to give you a drink of water, or pat your back, no less. So I explain chronic cough that's COPD, and that helps that small group to understand that I'll cough. It's only my best friends and family who know that coughing is good. They have to learn that a coughing spell means I can breathe easier after.

  6. This is such a poignant time of year. I appreciate the self-portrait and the intellectual life that breathes in your post. May you always breathe easy. Aloha!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.