Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, August 16, 2024

She said, "I've been sick"

 And neglected my little patch of plants on my front porch. Poor babies!

With 80 degree days and no rain, I am sorry to see what's left of these simple little guys.

This once bountiful geranium has spindly branches and lots of dead leaves. 

Kalanchoe not only has dead flowers, it has some white dusty fungus going on too!

Or maybe spider eggs..since some real webs were surrounding it.

The sad giant leaved coleus...still hanging it's huge leaves!

At least a few of the petunias are still blooming!

That's a hole in the coleus leaf. Someone had a big breakfast!

Sorry to show you sad plants. Maybe they'll come back as it gets cooler (and I remember to water daily). My care giving has been pretty limited to making sure I eat and drink lots of water...you know the old saying, put on your own oxygen mask first when the plane is going down!

And fortunately I'm able to take care of more than just my own breathing again. Another bout of bronchiectasis has been survived. Life is continuing for me and the little green plants.

Sharing with Floral Friday Fotos

Today's quote:

The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don’t wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy.



  1. Glad that you are all surviving xx

    1. Thanks. I've actually written a post that will someday come up, saying goodbye to everyone...in case I don't survive one of these bouts! It's probably going to happen eventually. I liked when several other bloggers did have final posts as they left this life...since otherwise we never really know.

    2. I think this is an excellent idea and should do the same myself. The trick I suppose is to keep changing the publication date every few days to move it ahead. Glad you're feeling somewhat better. Sending Aloha to you

    3. Actually I give it several months ahead, and it's always at the top of my editing page, so I can't miss it. A nice tacky title "From a Past Tense."

  2. Your plants may make a comeback, with some loving. Your health is more important.
    I like your header photo. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  3. Replies
    1. Somehow I convinced myself to not grow basil this year. I dearly love it, but seldom end up eating it!

  4. ...it is hard to keep things looking fresh these days.

    1. I am not very up on what's happening to these little guys. I just do simple fertilizing (which they'd probably love about now.) That's it.

  5. They've fared better than our neighbour's plant. I may need to blog about that.

  6. I've had a few plants like that and they made a comeback. I cut them all back and made them little again. It took awhile but they made it.

  7. You might cut the coleus back a bit (root the cuttings?) and get a new burst of growth. Glad you're feeling better!

  8. Hi Barbara, Take care of yourself first...plants can be replaced! I've written my obituary but didn't think about a final blogger sign-off, not a bad idea. Yes, I did get my camera back. When we came back home from Omaha we just stopped at Laurie's sister's house and picked it up from them. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  9. Very glad you are on the mend! The plants, well. They will revive with a little care.

  10. The plants will come back, but you must come first!! Glad to hear you are on the mend. Thank you for taking the time to link up.


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