Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, August 2, 2024

Storm coming and a good talk to share with you


After gathering my mail, in 80+ temperature which meant shortness of breath, but with a look around, I saw this storm coming in. (please forgive finger intrusion!)

So Puff and I talked about how we needed to have a dry place to hang out. (No, not Puff the Magic Dragon!)

You must look closely to see Puff the cat...

How's this? One of her owners recently died, so I hope she isn't grieving too much. The two women who shared her care lived next to each other, so it was easy for Puff to get into one or the other's apartments. And I know she spends the night inside with the other woman.

I was sitting down for my dinner before the thunder and wind and rain came. Thank goodness I didn't lose electricity, like some folks on the eastern side of Black Mountain. I hope your weather is reasonable wherever you are!


David LaMotte has long been a favorite musician for me. But he also is an author, and now a TEDx presenter.

This short talk is from his recent book, You are Changing the World Whether You Like it or Not.

Yes, he is a local man, with a home nearby in Montreat. He has also traveled extensively, and started some great projects. Look at his bio. HERE

As a preliminary thought, he asked people to consider these questions as they listened to him.

What does it mean for you to change the world? 

What is one change you would like to see?


Sharing with SkyWatch Friday

Today's quote:

Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.




  1. I love your header! Is she one of your creations?

    1. Yes she is. And she's gone to her home with my dear daughter-in-law.

  2. ...take care and stay well and cool in the heat.

    1. Love having air conditioning just about everywhere I go! Same advise for all of us, especially those of the elder side of things.

  3. I love seeing the sky there. Beautiful photos, and Puff the cat is a cutie! (NewRobin13)

    1. It is nice to stop and look at the sky sometimes.

  4. Did the storm provide a break in the heat? we are still as hot as blazes.

    1. Not yet. A cool front is due sometime today...with more rain of curse. But it's due to be 90 before that happens.

  5. Beautiful skies. I see a sky angel in the first two, and a piece of rainbow in the 3rd! Glad you are safe and with power.

    1. Good to hear another's point of view in looking at my skies! Hope someone listened to David's talk.

  6. More civility please. Everyone! The middle school taunting is becoming dangerous to our country. Let's work together to find solutions and ignore the radicals in both camps. God bless America and you my friend. Aloha

    1. That's excellent advice. Cloudia. We will only survive as a civilization if we work together.

  7. It's been hot here for a few days and trying to rain tonight but so far just humid air. I too love the figure in your header photo. Wonderful stance and expression. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks. We just had a nice big storm, some thunder, lots of water just pouring down. Lasted maybe 20 minutes and now it's cooler (though muggy of course). Glad you like my sculpture.

  8. Hi Barbara, We did have some serious storms but other than a short power outage and tree debris in our yard, not a big deal, even if a little scary. The problem is that one movement in the US has been fragmented and hasn't been cohesive whereas the 'other' movement has been frighteningly cohesive. It is all about 'movements' and not about individuals...but some folks seem to 'hero' worship and they lose track of the real objectives. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I've noticed long ago that politics no longer is about the issues, and where candidates stand on them. It's because we're so media oriented, we've got to have entertainment always.

  9. Replies
    1. We seldom get the chance to see the buildup of storm clouds...usually we're just covered by them then it rains.

  10. As you may have heard we've had some street violence masquerading as "peaceful protest" in the UK, following the murder of three little girls at a dance class. The mindless violence directed at police, Muslims and even a statue of Winston Churchill makes no sense at all, but one thing is clear: if the forces of good are so poor at organising themselves then these evil thugs are able to marshal their actions surprisingly efficiently. While I agree with most of what the TED speaker says, it seems to me that by going back to Rosa Parks he's ignoring the power of a few well-placed words on social media which can have a much greater impact, as the propagators of misinformation know only too well, while the forces of good are still trying to figure it out.

    1. Yes, a nice analogy which doesn't bring into our media oriented times how much can change with the way social media influences people. And sadly enough, I hadn't head about your street violence. We've got wildfires, the political arena, recently traded Soviet prisoners, and Olympics on our news. We did hear about the children being stabbed, and it is so sad.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.