Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, June 10, 2022

Space Station and...


I was surprised it was visible at 9:14 pm on June 3. I had told a friend who likes to sit out in her back yard, but she missed it. I was pretty darn happy to see it grandly flying across my vision.

These shots are in sequence, but I was holding my phone so I changed the point of view.

It really was traveling from the left to the right from where I stood. And the iPhone kept saying "Hold very still." while it took 3 second views. What a good little camera it has!

I had subscribed to NASA's "Spot the Station." And gave it my address, so each time the ISS comes across me they send me an email.

And another viewing and listening pleasure is this YouTube video with quiet guitar music. 

Sharing with Skywatch Friday!

Today's quote:

“One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike. We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us. It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware.”

Albert Einstein


  1. You remind me of the day in April 1961 when my dad told me that the Russians had put a man into space. I was very excited at the time, though my interest in such matters has waned over the intervening decades. It must have been a bit before that when I first heard a guitar, though my love of guitar music has deepened with the years.

    1. I remember hearing about Sputnik and that my interest in science, and sci-fi began a bit earlier than that. I probably never heard instrumental guitar played for quite a while...like that Youtube clip. I'm listening to another one today. And an aside to that is that when I speak to people on the phone and forget to turn it off they usually tell me how nice it sounds. I can imagine they're in a call center or some business where the only sounds are people and phones ringing!

  2. I get those emails too but have ever acted upon them.

    1. Ah, so that must mean the ISS flies over your place as well!

  3. Neat captures of the space station. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

    1. Good morning Eileen. Thanks for stopping by and your good wishes.

  4. Spectacular shots of the space station. I've spotted it before but never as plainly as what you did.

    1. Thanks, and compared to my attempts at getting the eclipse of the moon, these were amazing!

  5. I love that you got to see the space station and get photos of it on your iPhone. That is so cool!

    1. It certainly was, and I went outside in my short sleeved shirt, and was surprised how cold it had become when I finally went back inside (probably 63 or so).

  6. Me again, I had to wait until everybody cleared out of the house before I could see and hear the video. Great music!!

    1. So glad you liked it...I've been listening to that recording for many days and don't seem as tired of it as others with repetitive phrasing.

  7. Wonderful that you could see it and photograph it. I don't think my iPhone has ever told me to "hold very still", but perhaps I missed it. They are amazing little cameras!

    1. I think it was when I was pushing the white button to take a photo that it said that, and I had both hands on it hoping it would work. Didn't know until I came back inside.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Bill...somehow your comment got stuck in blogland, but I finally found it. Thanks for acknowledging it!

  9. Enjoyed the music while looking at the space station.

    1. That's a great idea, I'll definitely be working on blogs with that music. Sorry your comment didn't get posted at tthe time you sent it...it was waiting for a second ok in my comments file. Argh!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks...certainly not planned. I was texting a friend to let her know where to look, and then just took a few photos!

  11. It's interesting to contemplate that there are fellow humans up there. It's hard to really imagine what it must be like.

    1. That's just it...and thinking of how some Americans and Russians are somehow living closely together, though in separate living quarters I think!

  12. Barbara, We went out and checked the space station as it flew by one night. Very neat... As for that relaxing music, I could easily fall asleep with it in the background. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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