Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, June 27, 2022

Going to the Pisgah Inn for lunch

 My friends Cathy and Bette had looked on line and sort of decided what they wanted from the menu. I mention that because when we got there the reception clerk said we had to have a reservation, and without one we could just purchase sandwiches in the cafe'. She said it was posted on the web site about that. How did my friends both miss the reservation notice?

We stood there with downfallen faces, and didn't have any options we liked. I even said I'd driven 70 miles (give or take a few) just to get a piece of French Silk Pie, could I buy one to go maybe? Nope, I was told, no takeout from the main dining room.

So then the maître-di (female) said are you with them (my two friends)? I said yes (I had been parking the car while they came in) and she said she'd get a table ready for us. Needless to say we were so grateful even though our hopes had been for a window table. She said they usually only have 2-somes at these tables, near the entrance but she'd set it up for 3.

All this is different since COVID of course. It used to be first come first seated, and those waiting for tables had a buzzer which would let us know when we could be seated. No more.

The white strips are shaved fenugreek bulbs. Lots of vinaigrette dressing, 2 kinds of beets, tiny cubes of apple, feta cheese chunks, and various lettuces.

This restaurant is famous for its French Onion Soup.

Anyway I had the delicious beet salad, while Bette had fried green tomatoes and French onion soup, and Cathy had house salad with a piece of chicken (it was gone by the time I thought of taking photos.) Then I finally got my French Silk Pie...with a cuppa decaf to go with it...while Bette and Cathy split the Key Lime Pie slice.

French Silk Pie

It was quite bright outside, so you could either see inside, or out!

Of course this is way off my budget (do I even have one?) and will mean eating granola for dinner a few times this month...which I really enjoy.

We had fun with photos of course, after our tummies were full!


  1. Hello,
    I am happy you were able to get a table, your lunch looks delicious. The French Silk Pie looks yummy. Love the beautiful views, great photos. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

    1. I don't know if this new systems is all that good...the tables by the windows were all empty after being bussed for about 5 minutes before the next arrivals appeared on their reserved time. Kind of strange so see that happen. I dare say servers like a rest though. It was indeed a lovely outing, all the way round!

  2. Oh, how nice that you got seated w/o reservation! And what views!

    1. I always love the views, and the food is outstanding too (and pricy) with excellent service. I will try to remember to check places on line before going next time!

  3. What a beautiful spot!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country , ON, Canada!

    1. It sure was, and my friends paid for the gas and wanted me to drive. A win-win!

  4. Wow, what a beautiful view there. I love that you were able to get a table and have such a fine and yummy meal. A wonderful journey in all ways.

    1. It's one of those restaurants with a view which makes driving an hour each way to finally get to eat there!

  5. I loved looking at your photos....it brings back good memories. I'm glad you were able to eat there. It has changed so much since the pandemic but the food there is amazing. I lived in that area and we camped there when we had our motorhome. It really is beautiful. Thanks for sharing! Oh...you could have shared that pie with me though! heehee!

    1. I ate it very slowly. Each bite was a wonderful experience! Lots of tourists like having the fresh trout which is de-boned table-side...a real treat. Glad you've camped nearby...I wish I had. I camped some other area on the Parkway.

  6. It's great that you did get go in without a reservation. Gorgeous views and good food with friends make for a lovely day.

    1. You said it! Very good angels were looking out for us. We found a non-parking-space which my tiny car could fit in close to a waterfall on the way up. Then we were looking so bedraggled the maître-di took pity on us and gave us a table, which she stressed was supposed to be for 2. A very good day!

  7. Replies
    1. I love a vista. Others like minutia, but give me a wide open space!!

  8. What a grand outing. How nice of the maitre d to give you a table after all. That French silk pie looks scrumptious.

  9. Gorgeous views! I’m glad you got a table after all.

  10. I’m glad they served you, but now I am salivating like a bloodhound. It’s been a long time since I had French Onion soup, and those desserts — yummsteroony.

  11. I too would have been sorely disappointed to learn a reservation was required. So nice that you were able to be seated and enjoy a nice lunch with your friends and that wonderful dessert!


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