Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, June 25, 2022

A day in infamy...June 24, 2022

Fellow blogger, HecateDemeter posted this:

What can you do?

Well, first of all, go ahead and feel your feelings: rage, fear, sadness, numbness. It’s OK. If you need it, I give you permission.

Second, do something nice for yourself. Take a walk, pet your cat, call your bestie, make yourself a cup of tea or a STIFF drink, smoke up. Take a minute.

Then, when you’re ready, here are some concrete actions you can take.

  • Women are going to need to be able to leave states where abortion’s been outlawed and get to abortion sanctuary states. You can help them by donating to an abortion fund RIGHT NOW. Only have $5? That’s fine – every little bit helps.
  • Get familiar with the ins-and-outs of medication abortion, particularly Reuters’ very useful and timely reporting that our neighbor to the south stands by ready to assist, and there’s not much the US or state governments can do to stop them.
  • Look to ESTABLISHED, KNOWLEDGEABLE groups that have been putting in the work for YEARS about larger strategy, folks like NARAL and Planned Parenthood. DO NOT jump on whatever hot take by some jackass on Twitter goes viral. That person has no idea what’s he’s talking about, I promise. NARAL and PP do.
  • Watch The Janes and get inspired, then ask yourself: What are you willing to risk?
  • See last week’s post and, if I may quote myself, GET THE FUCK TO WORK.

Like what you read? Follow me on Twitter @MrsWhatsit1.

a village witch posted this on FaceBook

From the old ways...
many a young woman should know these things!
She Is Of The Woods
Let's talk about herbs that must be avoided during pregnancy❤️
Good ol penny royal tea will destroy your liver, please don't drink it. However it's also important to know that a strongly infused oil should not be rubbed on the pelvic area as it may, with repeated use, cause loss of pregnancy
Cotton root bark, this one should never be drunk as a tea, it has a long history of being problematic during early pregnancy. It also has a capacity to thin blood so women who accidentally ingest this will need to counter this with something like shepherds purse or vit K
Black cohosh, blue cohosh, & angelic root should absolutely never be taken during pregnancy especially alongside one another. These three have the capacity to disrupt hormone development & will typically cause bleeding to begin in just a handful of days in very early pregnancy
Queen Anne's lace should be avoided by anyone who's attempting to conceive, she has a tendency to make the uterine wall slippery & prevents the precious egg from implanting. It's also important to know that during pregnancy if the egg can't implant the pregnancy won't continue
Mugwort should also be avoided as small amounts consumed in early stage pregnancy may cause uterine contractions, it's also worth noting that infused body oils may have the same effect albeit a bit safer for the liver
Rue, while not a commonly used herb, is showing up more in tea blends. This one can also be really problematic during pregnancy so much so that women for thousands of years have known to avoid it during pregnancy
Parsley, while safe in food level amounts, should be avoided in large quantities such as broths as it may cause spontaneous loss of pregnancy. Especially if the person happens to be taking larger doses of vitamin C which can also endanger an early pregnancy
These are just a handful of herbs that may disrupt hormones, cause uterine contractions, & that should be avoided by anyone wanting to keep a pregnancy viable
Keep learning about these & other herbs you may have access to that cause these situations
I mean how else will we avoid accidental miscarriages?
You're smart enough to do this too😉

And another quote for this post:

We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.



  1. I'm still trying to think of something pleasant enough to at least take the edge off my anger. No luck so far.

  2. This is good advice. I had an abortion in Canada in 1975. It is just part of our healthcare. It is shocking to us on this side of the border even though we knew it was coming. I feel so badly for those who are vulnerable.

    1. It is certainly a sad day...and if we can't turn things around in the next election, many people will suffer.

  3. That decision was repugnant. But not surprising.

    1. I don't like it, nor Thomas' suggestion to look at gay rights and contraceptivve use. Funny, he's not interested in revoking the law allowing him to be married to a white woman.

    2. Or maybe he does not want to be married to that woman!

  4. Hello,
    The court is on a roll now, I think they have more agenda in the works. It is not going to be good for the majority of people that live in the great USA. So sad, we are going back in time. Thanks for the advice!

    1. Yes, and we mustn't hide our heads in the sand, which I'm prone to doing when it gets anywhere near high conflict!

  5. And we have McConnell and tRump to thank for this. I hope the anger and upset caused by all this will carry through to the midterm elections and make a difference.

    1. You are so right, these elections have become the balancing point as to how to move forward with any of the possibilities of retaining a democracy!

  6. I would be very cautious with parsley because a woman died from it a year or two ago. There are some books on herbs written for women, and of course, Our Bodies Our Selves. I have long considered that the chorus to Scarborough Fair is about herbal abortificants.

    1. That's amazing that she died from parsley! How sad. And it will be sad that so many poor women especially will have to die from other attempted abortions.

  7. Your country came close to greatness and then lost it’s way.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.