Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Second try, Coffee Shop Visit (having been posted in the past instead of the future)


My friend and I met for coffee and treats and conversation the other day. I don't do this often, not even once a month. But my treat was a huge piece of the best carrot cake in town! 

The next day I stopped in and bought another piece of carrot cake, to supposedly save for later. I managed to wait till I was home, and had two bites. Then within a few hours, the whole things was lovingly imbibed.

We did enjoy visiting in person, inside even. Not wearing masks! That was something that afterward I kind of worried about. Where did my cautious attitude go? There are lots of tourists that come in here, and though the door opened frequently, did the air get circulated enough to avoid virus distribution?

I kind of watched when I was home the next few days...any symptoms? I've been so fortunate so far...and am keeping my fingers crossed.

Today's quote:

“The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend a personal God and avoid dogma and theology.”

Albert Einstein


  1. Replies
    1. It's great to have that rock wall. Much of these mountains yield lots of rocks!

  2. ...I guess that I'm confused.

    1. Sorry about that, since I lost your comment when I changed it to a forward Tues instead of the former Tues.

  3. Hello,
    Hubby and I both love carrot cake. The coffee shop looks nice. I hope you continue to stay safe from Covid. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

    1. Thanks for comment and good wishes, Eileen. Hope your week is cooler.

  4. Yay carrot cake. We are not going out like this yet. JB is too much at risk. I hope you are safe!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

    1. I put on my mask yesterday when I entered a crowded store, and there were scented things which bother me anyway. But most of the time I walked around maskless.

  5. I love the stone exterior of that coffee shop. Stay healthy there, Barbara!

    1. It is certainly beautiful. Hoping to stay healthy!

  6. Hi Barbara, We love a good coffee shop as well as a nice chunk of carrot cake! Nice sidewalk sale in Highlands! As for masks, we've quit using them unless required. Both shots, boosted and waiting for approval for the next boost! Its all about weighing personal risk factors against 'living life again... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. There's another local coffee shop which roasts it's own beans. But it's really kind of crowded for my taste, and even more, my taste doesn't like "knock em dead" strong coffee. Dynamite coffee is closer to me too.

  7. Carrot cake sounds great to me and I live very close to a bakery. :) My wife and I still wear our masks when we enter stores. There has been a rise in cases here lately probably due to more tourists coming.

  8. The carrot cake was your just reward for having been so careful throughout the pandemic. Especially the second piece!

  9. Well, doesn’t that just take the cake? 😀

  10. That's a beautiful coffee shop! I love going out for coffee dates and chats. Carrot cake is one of my very favorite desserts!

    1. There are some ok carrot cakes, and then there's the one that the Drip serves (at $5 a slice) but they are so worth it.

  11. Mmm, carrot cake!! I'm still cautious indoors, but for that and any other good food, I'll forgo the mask. It's going to be a while before I give it up entirely, though. A little caution never hurt anybody.

    1. I just came from Dr. office and everyone was masked...which is appropriate. But it was a bit surprising because so few people are masking around here now. YAY Carrot Cake~!

  12. I wonder how far in the future Einstein was talking about.


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