Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, June 12, 2022

June flowers


I wonder if this is a field of buttercups...since I've never actually seen them...something about holding one under your chin and if it reflects there, you will know your true love. I have no room under my many chins any more so no true love at this point. If you know a different story, please leave it in comments. (I must laugh here, because leaving comments is a gamble these days...they may come through, or they may not!)

I do enjoy spring here in the mountains of western North Carolina. It's somewhat fleeting, from the earliest daffodils to the last Rhodo's...about 2-3 months. But then there are the summer flowers also!

Now I'm mad that 2 plants which I bought at a reputable nursery have many aphids on them. And my sprayer can't spray out the garlic mix I made...so Tea Tree Oil is my next solution, meaning a few drops mixed in a solution.

As an addition to today's post, I offer a link to 13 Words with bizarre meanings...from Miriam Webster!

Today's quote:
"The common idea that I am an atheist is based on a big mistake. Anyone who interprets my scientific theories this way, did not understand them."

Albert Einstein


  1. ...Blogger certainly doesn't make commentiing easy!

    1. You said it...I apologize for deleting the post that came out yesterday, it was intended for next Tues. not last Tues...so your comment there is gone. This comment was holding in the comment file, where I had to check to get it posted. Don't know why that's happening!

  2. I really enjoy spring blossoms! A reward after a long winter. (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  3. Hello,
    I love all the spring blooms, lovely colors and flowers. I hope you find a way to be rid of the aphids. Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  4. Love seeing all the flowers. As I have said, you are the portent of flowers to come. Out mountain laurel is beautiful this year. It's amazing what rain will do! For aphids I use Safer's Insecticidal soap. Castile soap works too.
    Posting is definitely strange. I can post on my blog, get comments, but cannot reply to comments.

    1. I'm glad to see your comments...and guess it's not really someone lurking. A friend just had her instagram account hacked, and they sent me a FB message, which I answered. After some rather strange comments I was pretty sure it was hacked when she asked for my Netflix password...but then started talking about all this money she'd received...not the way my friend talks at all! I reported it and blocked messages from her. Hope I don't get hacked as a result!

  5. Beautiful blooming flowers you have there. So lovely.

    1. I am one of those frustrating people who walk down a sidewalk and stop to take photos of flowers...the people behind me grumble enough I can hear them!

  6. Yes, I think they're buttercups. As children we used to put them under our friends' chins and ask: 'Do you like butter?' If the chin lit up yellow underneath (as it always did) the answer was 'yes'! As for comments, many on my blog now seem to go into Spam for no reason. I spend ages retrieving the valid ones.

    1. I found a new place they are going (in limbo)- comments lists all the comments I receive, but some of them must have a check mark checked before they're published. No idea why those people are being selected out. A very tedious procedure. I seldom look at my spam folder on my email...except just before deleting spam messages...so now I'll look harder at them. Thanks for your buttercups story!

  7. I knew a professional gardener who wrote about gardens and flowers June was his favourite month.


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