Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Was this published already?

I was grateful for the rain in early Dec., but it sent us all inside at Fresh, a "Wood Fired Pizza and various other good meals" place for lunch on Saturday before Solstice. This lunch was actually a week after the one at Ole's.

Bette looks good, and so does my finger!!

Cathy and I en-mask after we'd finished our meals...and in holiday red/green colors! Judy said she doesn't take photos. I respected her wishes.

I had a delightful Shrimp Scampi with angel hair pasta...nice chunks of bread and 5 huge shrimps. I wonder why the tails were left on for shrimp served in a sauce...but I cut off their tails. They were soooo good! I had no shrimp left over, but plenty of angel hair!! And half the salad too.

I stopped by CVS and while waiting in line, this jolly old elf with a lantern stood by my side. I wondered who would buy him.

Today's quote:

The deepest wound is knowing that they know, and that it doesn’t matter.

January 6th was a coordinated attempt to kidnap members of Congress, overturn a free and fair election by its people, and install a president whose criminality is simply unprecedented and whose involvement was complete.
It was a threat to our sovereignty.
It was a rejection of our Constitution.
It was antithetical to the teachings of Jesus.
It was an historic act of treason.
It was a vicious attack on democracy.
It was a partisan act of domestic terrorism.
It was a violent insurrection.

All Americans know this.

All of them.

Only decent ones care.

​-John Pavlovich

His whole article may be found HERE


  1. Hello,
    Cute photos of you and your friends. It is nice to at inside a restaurant. The shrimp scampi looks yummy.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I will miss my friends sitting with me for a few months, till it's warm enough to share eating without masks outdoors. We are trying to avoid getting sick.

  2. ...that Santa's brother showed up at our CVS too!

    1. Ha ha. I dare say they either were shipped back to a warehouse, or someone got a bargain the day after Christmas.

  3. I think I did see some of this before. John P. is so right. Just listened to Biden's speech from the capitol and he laid blame on tRump and those that support/enable him. I hope it can result in indictments of everyone involved.

    1. If the elected parties who helped make the insurrection happen would only be reprimanded officially...or punished! This is treasonous!

  4. It's so interesting to have lived through "a day of infamy" as January 6th 2021 is being called. To have witnessed such a thing in our country was a mind-blowing awakening. We are teetering on the edge here, and I so hope our democracy survives.

    1. I stopped putting my head in the sand (ostrich-style) when that day happened. The GOP/Republicans are no longer a political party with the interests of the nation in mind. They are hateful narrow-minded supporters of this violence and a tyrant (tRump.)

  5. That dish does look scrumpt although I am not sure if I would actually like it.

    1. I was surprised that the angel-hair was still good for third serving a few days later. It had had lots of sauce with butter on it. Of course that's not on my diet at all. WHy oh why do I like what I'm not supposed to have so much??

  6. Santa's a tall guy but some of his relatives are smalle. :)

    1. Ha ha. You must be thinking of some tiny little helpers making toys. If only. Now-a-days I think most of them are made by little cogs in machines!


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