Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, January 21, 2022

Sun through the trees

 I'm in the mood for sky photos - as inspired by another blogger, Robin Andrea.

I was in the parking lot of my doctor's office, and rolled down the window (this time! I'm learning) since I wasn't really getting any warmer yet, and thought to myself, "Let's go inside and wait, they are heated already while the car is cold."

I had to wait for a car to pass on US Highway 70, and then it was pretty, with the sun reflecting off the railroad tracks.

When I went inside I waited a while behind a man who had been in the hospital and needed a follow up appointment. Then after I checked in for my appointment, another woman came in, gave her symptoms when she was screened for covid, but was out of breath the whole time. The nurse picked up on that and asked if she was always out of breath, and she said yes this morning. Then she mentioned she had chest pain this morning.

She was called right back to be weighed, blood pressure taken, and given an EKG...the nurse hurried the machine into her exam room, then called the Dr. He conferred a minute and recommended that she go to ER immediately. By then I was also back in the exam room area, waiting to be shown in my room. When I had talked with the Dr. about my condition (hands cramping) he gave me advice, then I came out in the hallway which was blocked by a gurney and the woman was getting on it with EMT's caring for her.

My nurse showed me through the office way around to the front exit, while the EMT's had gone out the backway to the ambulance. I made my next appointment and mentioned that when I'd gone to ER once and said I had chest pains, they also had taken me immediately to get treated. I said I understood completely that care givers worked immediately to treat heart conditions. I hadn't been given that diagnosis for hours, but eventually it resulted in my having a stent put on an artery on my heart.

OK, now you're caught up with everything that happened until I sat down here again with coffee and toasted blueberry pancakes! I hope you have a good day!

Joining Skywatch Friday this week.

Today's quote:

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. -Annie Dillard, author (b. 30 Apr 1945)


  1. Hello,
    I wonder if the breathing problems and chest pain could be covid related? I hope the woman is ok.
    Love your pretty sky photo. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Apparently the woman didn't have a fever...this office asks folks with a fever to go back to their cars and drive around back, where they'll consult with you in your car. At least they've asked me to do so a couple of times. I hope she was alright also. Thanks for stopping over here and commenting!

  2. ...maybe we will see the sun on this weekend, perhaps Sunday!

    1. I'm wishful for that too...we received a dusting of snow again last night. But it's due to be frigid all day and night.

  3. Yum, pancakes. My breakfast will be more prosaic.

    1. And now I've eaten all the frozen pancakes too. Each time I cook anything I then have to clean up the kitchen...it's still a mess of pots and pans this morning.

  4. That's such a beautiful sky photo, Barbara. It looks like you may have some iridescent clouds there. How beautiful!
    I hope that woman is okay. What a wild doctor's office visit.

    1. Some days things happen around me, and some days it's pretty dull here!

  5. Thanks. Glad you could visit and leave a comment!

  6. Best to be safe. My MIL came down with Covid suddenly and is now in the hospital.

  7. A lovely photo.
    I'm glad you made it through the appointment. What a trial healthcare is these days.

  8. What a morning. Hope the woman is alright and has her issue sorted. Blueberry pancakes and coffee sounds great. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Very pretty sky. Kind of scary going to the doctors these days, and I hope and pray I don't need ER services!

  10. Possible heart issues are always taken seriously.

  11. I once went to the ER for chest pain and they took me in immediately. Turned out to be from silent reflux. Now I have to be very careful about what I eat, and I was already eating healthfully.


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