Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, January 20, 2022

A picture is worth...

 ...a thousand words...right? This post has been postponed so I could share some of the storm with you on the Monday after Izzy (that's the name weather people gave it.)

The blinds are down (partially, what I could reach) and just opened, and the curtains pulled back. Last night all were closed to keep us (me and plants) warmer....and elec. bill a bit lower!

The old computer in foreground is the one with ability to talk to the old Epson printer, the only one which can scan photos. The old album on the right, has many family photos which stuck together (living in FL humidity for many years). I'm scanning those that can be saved and will share them with my ex - who's preparing an album for the grown kids. I will just keep mine as digital files, but he wants to publish his on paper.

I reached a stopping point after 45 minutes yesterday, and was about going bonkers with all the things each photo required...like changing the names of each from numbers to descriptions and dates if I could figure them out.

I had to get up and place each photo in the scanner, then sit down to do all the computer stuff. Maybe today I'll figure out how to use my desk chair, with rollers and swivels! Why didn't I think of that before?

Today's quote:

A new word is like a fresh seed sown on the ground of the discussion. 

-Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (26 Apr 1889-1951)


  1. If nothing else all that getting up and down stops you from sitting for too long!!

    1. And that's a good thing too! I still needed to get up and down, but found there were fewer photos to scan the next time!

  2. It is fun looking back at the old photo albums. Scanning can keep you busy, if you have a lot of photos to go through. Have fun. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. The next albums may have a whole page scanned at a time, unless they are too big. Have a good day Eileen!

  3. ...scanning is something that I'll never done.

    1. I like having many more photos available on the computer by having them digital now. Of course there's a box of the ones I've already scanned somewhere.

  4. I can see that taking awhile.

    On occasion at work I will scan documents.

    1. I am glad I've already done a few hundred. These are the last for that album.

  5. It does sound like a lot of work. Sometimes I scan more than one photo at a time. Then, when I download the images on to my computer I have a way to select each photo by itself and then create a new single photo with it. Does that make sense? I have the full image of many photos, I select one photo at a time, copy it and then paste it on to a new clean document page.

    1. Yes, I can copy then edit each copy, renaming it. I've not got a good copy and paste technique in any of my editing programs, that I know of at least!

  6. Scanning is a pain. I can scan several at a time have have photoshop do some auto cropping and straightening, but they always require more work.

    1. Yes...but you are more of a photographic artist than I am. Mine are family shots and I may crop them a bit, but I don't put effort into correcting much else.

  7. Barbara, I like your 'work station' as regards the view and lighting! I scan a lot of material...including old family photos. Most are preserved on my computer but I have had some of the best or more meaningful ones printed for posterity. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. That sounds like a good combination. I keep the originals usually...but toss the old albums with their crumbling black paper.

  8. I did all my scanning of family photos years ago. It took me a whole week of just scanning and when I finished, I was happy.

  9. Sounds like hard and dedicated work but it'll be worth it.

    1. I did enjoy seeing some of the old photos. I'll post a few more on my Sepia Saturday post.


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