Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Day after Izzy

 Only those who were affected by the recent snow through TN, NC, VA and probably a few more states going north, will have heard it called IZZY. Or perhaps it got it's name back in AK or AL...where it rained and blew. Or maybe some of it became the tornadoes in mid-so-FL. 

So here on Tues we watched many dripping places, while white stayed there in sunshine. I also watched our maintenance man and his snowblower. That was the proper way to get walks cleared down to the icy level created by the original sidewalk salt which was spread on Fri. When snow started it kept sidewalks nice and wet.

Now they probably have some ice, but that good old sun was due to warm things to 43 in the afternoon. And then plummet back down to 25 F at night. Probably see many black ice surfaces out there.

My friends warn me not to go out, but I'm wishing to see the pretty places before they're all gone. I may have missed my chance though. 

8 am, Tues. Jan 18, 2022.

10 am Tues Jan 18, 2022. Front porch.

10:30 am the other side (south) of my apartment.

12:30 pm, showing what snowblower has been able to do.

I finally got into snow boots (they still fit!) and wound my muffler around my face and neck, and all the other cold weather gear. Put my mailbox key in one pocket, and the phone in the other. The carried my broom with me, across the treacherous driveway...remembering to try to step on snow so there'd be some traction...rather than ice. Yes, it's out there and not giving any surface.

That part of driveway was a combination of snow, water and slush...it was hard to find good places to walk, but I was slow and used my broom as my walking stick.

Where the sun had a chance to hit the snow, it had dried the pavement off. That's my car on far left, which is surrounded by virgin snow. It doesn't have much left on the outside, so I decided not to try to get inside it.

People have gone through this snow as far as the garbage cans...but my car is over by those steps. Nobody went this way yet, though I did see a man shoveling those steps. Then he went back the other way, rather than coming down to this stretch.

I swept a bit of ice and snow off the platform where the office/laundry room and mail boxes ae located. Here in the foreground is another snow shovel and the gas can for the snow blower. I just wanted you to see how much snow is un-cleared on that porch area.

I'm glad I ventured out this far, and no further. I broomed off more snow on my porch and steps. But they will probably have ice on them tonight. My apartment is the second one on the left in this shot. It's had as much sun as it's going to get on that side for today.

Nope, not driving out there today. We'll see how the roads look tomorrow...

Most important, dry out the boots that just had to go through ice water!

And chop veggies for my beef-less stew tonight! I cut the chunks of fake beef in half, then cooked them with all the spicy veggies first...and seasoning. Hoping the fake beef would be more palatable. Actually I think the whole stew would have been delicious without it! Not going to put any in from now on. It still has no flavor and is a strange texture...kind of like chunks of cardboard. But my extra effort with seasoning gave me a delicious broth. And I blenderized a cup or so of the veggies for a thickener. So it doesn't have any corn starch or flour to thicken it. I came out with a good stew for tonight's dinner, and 2 and a half quarts left over. Nice to have choices when it's time to eat again!


  1. Glad you didn't slip and fall as you ventured around outside. I have to make a trek to doctor for a physical but state road is clear even if ours is packed snow and ice.

    1. That sounds good. Sorry I'm late replying. Just let things get away from me yesterday. I'm safely onto Thursday already!

  2. ...you sure did get a lot of snow. Take it easy!

    1. It's a surprise, and I admit I wanted it. But I forgot that my own area would not be tended, so I got cabin bound, and never got out to see the lake or areas that were beautiful.

  3. Up here that amount of snow would be just another day.

    1. I know...but you all have ways of still getting around in snow...as well as treatment of roads in a timely fashion. Here I sat unless I wanted to shovel to the car...and even then I was stuck on the side of a big hill without plowing.

  4. That was quite a snowy walk you had there. Glad all went well and that you had a yummy dinner.

    1. Thanks. I thought it would be more fun, but instead it was frustrating. But maybe that's all in my mind set.

  5. I like fried tofu in soups and stir fries. The soup sounds delicious and healthy. You're brave to walk in that much snow and ice! Be careful!!

    1. Thanks. I haven't had fried tofu in a while. I like it that way too.

  6. That's a lot of snow. Be careful walking in it, I hate snow that covers the ice.

  7. ouch, we have that kind of weather right now. Will see in the morning how much it comes :(

    1. Sorry that it's coming your way. Ours is on the melting side now!

  8. That’s the problem with snowstorms. When it looks best for photos, it’s hard to get out.

    As I sit in my chair, I can see the rooftops across the way. There’s about 2’ of snow, which does insulate well in the cold, -4F weather. It does look bright and beautiful from a distance though.

    1. So I now appreciate photos taken of snow much more, that a photographer had equipment to get out somehow to where he stood in the frigid air to capture some beauty!


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