Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Snow storm Izzy

 This storm had so much hooplah before it arrived. That's because they wanted everyone to be ready. And we all know that weather people forecast things which mother nature usually brings about in her own good time. I guess that way weather people can get their trucks and  cameras in position where they think the storm will hit.

One of the more famous weather people flew into Asheville earlier in the week. We then knew it was going to be an event worth televising. (Note, Jim Cantore was indeed in Asheville talking about our local snow on the national weather channel!)

Living with it is a bit different.

We have more than enough provisions. We have charged our phones, arranged our snow gear (I haven't worn those boots for 2 years) and then wait. And wait and wait.

Good thing it's due to start (I wrote this Sat. night) in the midnight hour. And so I will check out the window whenever I wake up to visit the bathroom. I've been disappointed most of last year. 2018 was the last good snow here...so that's more than 2 years.

Earlier there was a notification of a terrible wreck (their description) on I-40. But no precipitation has fallen at all, so it must have been caused by something else. I'll find out about that maybe later in the news, but there's likely to be a lot more coming. So I'm signing off for now...

At 7 am it wasn't beginning to be light as it usually is. 

At 7:10 this morning it was still night out. 

7:20 am - still as dark as midnight. We're surrounded by cloud/fog. There's maybe 5 inches over everything, but I don't see it falling. There aren't many branches with anything on them, though I don't see a bit of wind to knock snow off them. Kind of strange. But maybe because its so dark. Yesterday this was full light time.

Finally it's getting light outside!

At 8:15 very tiny snow flakes still coming down with a little southerly wind. Nobody is out there!

The front porch...

Still coming down pretty heavy at 9 am. (I used this for my header for a while). 

All day long there were either flurries or sleet for a while mixed with snow. 

And nobody noticed how deep it was in Black Mountain, at least on the local weather. That's ok with me. Our parking lot, our sidewalks, and our porches and steps are covered with snow. The little bits of salt that were sprinkled all over the sidewalks and steps kept them wet enough for the first snow falling hours (which I saw when I woke up around 4 am.)

By dinnertime (6:30pm) I could see over the building down the hill from me, as far as the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly building. But it didn't look as though Blue Ridge Rd had been plowed. I saw a couple of pick ups go down it during the day, but nobody tried to go up that steep hill while I was watching.

In the lower photo you can't see the tracks of the women who walked from the office building in the afternoon.  I saw them carrying a snow shovel and a broom. I guess they had ideas of clearing off their walkway. It didn't happen. And snow continued to fall off and on until the sun went down.

I think Monday will come and not much will have changed. I know that the next forecast is for winds with high gusts. I do hope we don't lose electricity. It's darn cold out there...never got above freezing all day Sunday.

I hope the rest of my friends who received some of Izzy had no problems from it.

Today's quote:
A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking. -Jerry Seinfeld, comedian (b. 29 Apr 1954)


  1. That's a lot of snow! Hope you can keep your power. I don't like windstorms at all, especially when it's cold out. And part of my fence usually blows down which is expensive to fix.

    1. It started snowing again on Mon. morning, but with intermittent wind. So I haven't always been sure it's snowing, or just blowing around what had already fallen. Now lots of small limbs down from trees, which makes the snow look kind of like a mess.

  2. I don't know when we last had snowfall like that - probably the 1980s! Hope all goes well.

    1. Our last one was about 4 years ago...and I was able to drive over to the lake and take some photos. This one is too deep...my car doesn't have the clearance, let alone the traction, until it gets plowed, or more likely will start to melt tomorrow afternoon. I hate slush!

  3. Hello,
    Jim Cantore is famous, the weather channel does like talking about these storms. Here, they are telling people to stay off the roads. It is hard to tell is we had more ice or snow. Luckily it is a Federal holiday and people are off work. Take care, stay warm. Have a great new week!

    1. The interstate has very little traffic today...and I have no way to get into Black Mountain until our parking lot is either plowed (unlikely) or melts some. So far our wind isn't too bad. Sorry about your receiving ice. That's no fun at all!

  4. Our (I think unrelated storm) didn't start until midnight or even later (I wasn't up). It doesn't look as heavy as predicted, but it is still coming down. As I look out, it doesn't look like the type that sticks to the trees. Unfortunately.

    1. We've surprisingly got birds in our trees. Not a normal thing these days. I figured our grounds have been sterilized to the extent there weren't any bugs. But now they are completely covered by 6 inches or so. Wonder what the birds find to eat. I wish we didn't have so much wind, also no snow stuck to trees!

  5. We are currently getting the rainy edge. Living on the coast is a toss up. If it tracked a few miles east we would be in the middle of a blizzard. Typical of this area it's currently 50º F; yesterday same time it was -2º F. The usual weather pattern is for the temp to drop after the storm and freeze everything. It's the weather, grasshopper.......
    Meanwhile, take care of yourself

    1. Yes, we're still under freezing, and maybe getting a bit more here...as well as the winds (it's almost noon Mon. as I write this). But tomorrow is forecast to get up to 48, so will definitely have slush...I hate slush!

  6. Hope all is well there, Barbara. It sure is beautiful, even though it does really make a mess of things. Take care, stay safe and warm.

    1. There isn't much mess, that I've seen anyway. But when it melts tomorrow it surely will be. I hope to get my boots on and go sweep off the car sometime this afternoon...even if I can't drive anywhere 'cause the driveway which is steep hasn't been plowed.

  7. It was a good un! Thankful not to have lost power.

    1. Me too. Very thankful with this cold to keep elec. All my heat comes from that! Of course I could go sit in the car and have that heat...so I'm thinking that would be one recourse if I needed it. Will at least try to clear it off sometime this afternoon!

  8. That just looks so, so wintry and cold. It is cold here, but we only have a skim of snow.

  9. We had about 5 inches of snow but a thick layer of ice covered it. The team that cleared my driveway had to break the ice before they could blow it. I did not walk farther than my porch.

  10. We got clobbered by a storm that started around one in the morning and lasted until eight in the evening.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.