Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, January 28, 2022

Get outside my box

 I've been dealing with the "blahs" lately.

I know what will help me. But somehow it's like being in quicksand, and I just can't push myself to move in the right way...so I feel stuck here. Not that I'm going down in quicksand. Just that I'm not doing anything I could to feel better, to accomplish something that will give me satisfaction.

Food is way too much in my thoughts these days. I noticed I now receive a half dozen, maybe a dozen newsletters about food in my emails. Geese, I don't want to follow recipes. I want quick and delicious stuff, so have a few things in the freezer that I can nuke, or some leftovers of soup and veggies that I can also mix together in different ways to provide tasty meals. And then what?

Watch more TV or Netflix or something?

I want it to be warm enough that I can walk around my favorite lake. I want to see the first promise of spring. But nope...I'm here still, not patiently waiting for the end of winter!

These nice blooming bushes have been taken out by the lake.

I'm scrolling through some photos of where I like to walk...if only.

OK, you're quite tired of my groaning and moaning about wanting to be somewhere and somewhen that isn't here and now.

The other way out of the "Blahs" is for something to get worse, and yesterday it did. So now I'm taking more drugs to get rid of an infected salivary gland, in my mouth, neck and face. I'll come back from this and hopefully won't be feeling anything this bad again.

Thanks for listening.

Today's quote: 

Compassion springs from the heart, as pure, refreshing water, healing the wounds of life.



  1. It's that time of year.
    It is difficult to get going when it isn't yet daylight..and when it is daylight it's grey and overcast.
    Hope the infection gets sorted. I had the same about three years ago. No fun atall

  2. Hello,
    I am looking forward to some warm spring days and to see the blooms again. I am sorry to hear about the infection, I hope it heals quickly. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend!

  3. ...enjoy today and what it will bring and then do the same tomorrow!

  4. I never realized that a person living so far south could have January blahs. We are pretty much shut-in these days but are hanging in, as they say. I’ll feel it more as February moves on.

    I have a tv recommendation in my post today, but it Is on Prime, so it may not be available to you.

  5. Lousy news about the infection. Antibiotics, probably in combo with whatever ails me, always make me depressed.
    Have you thought of getting a SAD lamp. Mine helps enormously.
    We are off to prep for the coming winter storm which could be massive or not. Coastal living is always interesting.
    Take care.

  6. Bummer news about that infection, Barbara. Hope it all clears up well and quickly. These are boring times in every way complicated by winter, weather, pandemic, and trying to figure out what to make for dinner. True for us here too. Take care there.

  7. This is a tough time of year for sure. Gray, cold, snowy, rainy, foggy--hard to get out and do anything.

  8. The infection may well contribute to your case of the blahs. Though January and Covid are enough cause right there. Hope all improves.

  9. Do take care of yourself and get rest.

  10. Sorry you've been hit again by infection. Wondering how someone gets an infection in a salivary gland and then how you know it? Thought about making something like Valentine's?


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.