Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Black Mountain had a little parade...and I don't usually go to them, but this is one I happened to attend. A lot of people lined the sides of State Street. Weather was wonderful for the last time before a winter storm is due to hit Tues around dawn.

 I had just had a short coffee break at the new "Open Oven" bakery and coffee/sandwich place on Church Street with a friend. So I stayed around to see the parade.

 I imagine the band has uniforms, but nobody seemed to wear them this afternoon.

 The local high school marching band seemed to only have drums.  They were good anyway.

 I can't see video...it's not worked in the past.
There were golf carts with more veterans, then huge jeeps, then motorcycles...but my camera was set on videos, so I can't show them here.

And last but not least, NC State Veterans Home bus...with some residents getting a ride in the parade.  Black Mountain has a big Veterans Hospital, and a sadly big Veterans Cemetery.


  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog. There is a link to the wool pictures at https://www.etsy.com/shop/BridgetsFarmCart?section_id=20435326. The list is now very short, so apparently she sold several over the weekend.

    1. Thanks for showing me the wool on wool pictures...very pretty! Felting has become very popular around the crafting circles I see.

  2. ...few things beat a hometown parade.

    1. Yes, and I missed the horses at the end of the parade completely!

  3. Hello, looks like a nice Veterans Day parade. Have a great day and week ahead.

    1. It was nice, but as I just mentioned in reply to Tom, I missed the horses at the end of the parade.

  4. It looks like a nice day to have the parade. I watched the video you posted, very nice.
    Have a lovely day!

    1. We stood around waiting for it to start, and it was started just about on time...and then the whole parade was over in 10 minutes!

  5. I always enjoy parades! Thanks for including the video.

    1. I was a bit miffed by another photographer who stood out in the street and blocked me from getting good photos...but hey, I was probably in someone else's way too!

  6. Now this seems to give a whole new definition to a rag tag parade! But good for everyone who took part.

    1. Yep, I guess just getting warm bodies to march (sometimes in unison) was the important part. The veterans enjoyed waving to us, and I enjoyed seeing them.

  7. Quite a parade.

    The video worked fine for me.


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