Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cortez CO - my day on my own

This post is not in order...but I wanted to share my day in Cortez back in September!

After working in the library with computer, I needed lunch. Library had free wi-fi and I could plug in my old laptop! The wi-fi at my son's home is limited and Kendra works at home, so I needed to be elsewhere to do the newsletter I edit.

 Coffee comes with nitrogen here.  I didn't try it though.

There's the truck with the tank to haul water to the cistern at my family's house. I didn't go to wherever they purchase their water however...

 The Pie Maker Bakery was my lunch stop...

 A nice mushroom pastry was a savory lunch.

 Down the street was a mural depicting prospectors...

 Outside of the Pie Makers Bakery.

The radio station is located in one of the oldest buildings in town...and across the street is the other one...

The other oldest building in Cortez...

 And then behind one is the Cultural Center...

 Looking across the main street (US Highway 160)

 An old movie theatre also on that street.

 Next to the oldest building is one called the J.C. Penney Building.

 Some small shops are still located downtown. But we must acknowledge the big box store on the outside of town now.

 Another building sign...they are all squeezed next to each other, so you don't really notice when the storefronts are in a different building.

Facing east along Main St. you can see Mesa Verde mountains or maybe the Las Platas Mountains, in the distance, where Durango is.

And another mural that caught my attention:


  1. Hello, nice tour of the town. I love the murals. The pie looks yummy! Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Eileen...let's get together for coffee the next time you come to Asheville! I'd love to meet you! Email me (it's somewhere on my blog)

  2. I enjoyed the look around. And that mountain in the distance is stunnng!

  3. What a nice looking town and great scenery.

  4. What a cute town! That mushroom pastry sounds yummy.


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