Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, November 15, 2019

Red Mountain Pass up to Ooray, CO

Going back to Oct. 6, 2019...my last day of visiting with my son, Tai and wife, Kendra.

 A rather strange sculpture, which would not only sluce water away from the road, but rocks as well.

 These rocks were exposed, showing what hasn't been weathered over years.

 The road at noon ran in and out of sunlight as we went over Red Mountain Pass.

 There are still some active mines along the way. I wish I could remember the name of this river.

Kendra gave up the front seat so I could have a great view, and she found us great restaurants during the whole of my stay with them..except when they were cooking at home, which was most of the time.

 Tai drove all the time, as well as found interesting podcasts to listen to.

 A wee bit of wildlife when we stopped at a lookout.

I think geologists have great joy driving in these mountains!

Tai and mom.

Tai and Kendra

The wonderful Aspens were like gold against the rocks and the dark green of the conifers.

 First glimpse of Ooray CO

I met my friend from Black Mountain and began the long drive home with her, and said good-bye sadly to my family and started home.


  1. ...the aspens brighten the barren landscape.

    1. It is a nice swing from summer into fall, and then the white and grey season.

  2. Hello, you had a wonderful trip and visit with your family. The Colorado mountains and the Aspens are gorgeous. Lovely collection of photos. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

    1. Thanks for commenting here after looking at so many photos of the mountains and my family.

  3. Quite a trip. And your photos capture the scenery beautifully. You're right, geologists love mountains, especially where roads cut through exposing the rock strata. I've seen those sloping roofs erected over roads in the Alps; they are in avalanche-prone areas so that the avalanche shoots straight over the top of the road, I guess it works for rock-falls too.
    It's good to look back to such a happy time after a scare like you had yesterday.
    And thank you for the kind, intelligent and perceptive comments you leave on my blog. I very much appreciate them.

    1. Thanks John, it's good to have your blog regularly to enjoy, and I count your comments as those of a friend.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks...I just held the iPhone - the scenery was already there!

  5. What a wonderful trip and visit with your family … your photographs are beautiful.

    All the best Jan

    1. I appreciated the trip so much...I haven't done anything that intense in ages. I threw away at least half of the photos that were in the cloud!


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