Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Finally the Appalachian Mountains of home

 Suzanne finally was tired enough to let me drive through the turns around Knoxville, where I once lived. She took over again for the last leg through the mountains to Asheville.

 I've always loved seeing the Smokies as you go east.

 The first highway sign saying Asheville is just 59 miles ahead. Heck, we've got several thousand miles under our belts (seat belts) by now...this is a breeze.

 Welcome to Haywood County (NC!)

And coming home, we only took a few minutes unloading my stuff into my car, which had been parked at Suzanne's for the whole time.  It turns out that wasn't a great idea, because some rodent moved in and tried to set up housekeeping in my heater, and left a big pile of cotton and a terrible smell.  Fortunately the animal didn't end up being found when the mechanic pulled out all the nesting materials, and the air blows freely and without scent through the system now.

I've been home the rest of the month of October, and slipped right back into my old habits pretty easily. But I've also had all these photos to post here.  No more. They are all out in the web now. And I'm going to be posting more local photos over on Alchemy of Clay (just because there were so many of these from the trip!)


  1. ...oh how I hate driving I40 from Tennessee into North Carolina, the road is narrow and with wall to wall trucks!!!

    1. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. I wish I knew how to gage that to avoid them...all the trucks that don't pay much attention to speed limits. I like the scenery and was glad to have someone else driving so I could snap some pics.

  2. Hello, it is good to be home.. Minus the critters in the car, they are not welcome. Reading Tom's comment, I thought RT 81 had a lot of trucks, sometimes riding side by side. Have a great day and new week!

    1. I think I-85 from Atlanta is my worst nightmare of many trucks on the road. But then, we saw a great sign on the back of a truck "Hate trucks? Stop shopping. Problem solved."

  3. I haven't ever been to North Carolina, and these photos of the last leg of your long journey show how truly beautiful it is there.

    1. I have fallen in love with the Appalachians...and learned that local folks say Appa-lach-ians...the lach sounds like the latch on a window. Not Ap-a-lay-chians. That's northerners talk.

  4. Glad you got the rodent issue taken care of. Nice scenry here.

    1. These posts of vacation were before I got home to my own car, which had been parked for 2 weeks...and inhabited by the rodent. So in my friend's car, there wasn't any rodent. Sorry, I'm still posting rather old photos (early October.)

  5. Beautiful mountain views!
    You asked about Oxalis on my Bloom Day post. Oxalis does come back from the roots each year here in north Mississippi. We do have below freezing temperatures at night in the Winter, but generally it is warmer during the day (low 40s). I do not know if it would be hardy in colder areas.
    Hope you have a great week!

    1. I had one in southern North Carolina in a sunny protected space that came back the next year. thanks for letting me know how yours are.

  6. Your mountains are gorgeous. Sorry to hear about the mouse (that's what it sounds like). At least it wasnt' a bear! Around here there have been many cases of bears opening car doors to look for snacks. They can destroy upholstery pretty quickly.

  7. I have seen a lot of mountains in my travels, but the Smokies are still my favorite.

  8. Posting every other day? Wow I'm impressed. I love driving through those mountains. But during the day, I don't want to take those roads at night.

    1. Yes, me too. I always try to come home before it turns dark.

  9. I love to see your road-trip photos, though I don't think I'd be much good at such travel - about an hour cooped up in a car is more than enough for me!

    1. It's a good thing you like walking around taking photos during your walks...because they are so great! I'll put the miles under my seat, and eventually get some pictures too. Unfortunately when I drive alone, there are much fewer than when I'm a passenger!


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