Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sun Temple and Far View House, Mesa Verde

More of my vacation in Colorado...on Mesa Verde!

 A wonderful Juniper Tree...

 The "Sun Temple" has many unsolved mysteries.

 We enjoyed looking briefly at the Far View House.

 We didn't take the time to look along the trail, rather looked quickly at the Far View House, then headed to Mancos to meet a new cousin.


  1. It is intriguing. I think I'd like to go there.

    1. Definitely good to have all the signs telling what archaeologists have found out.

  2. Hello, it is great this place is protected for all to see and enjoy! Thanks for sharing your visit. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen...yes, the park seems to be pretty well maintained. National Parks are so important to preserve.

  3. ...the sun makes for a wonderful blue sky, but a parched earth.

    1. Yes, we carried water bottles all the time. Very dry out there even now. Sorry about my iPhone shadows on the various photos.

  4. Fascinating! Those informational signs really bring it to life and help you to imagine what life was like here.

    1. I tried to capture each of the paragraphs, but some of my photos have shadows of my phone on them. So sorry. Yes, imagining life is really hard...just thinking of toddlers being somehow kept from falling over the edges of canyons!

  5. Nice pics, I really like those information panels.

    1. Thanks Bill...as I just said, I really tried to get the information photographed, though not at all in artistic ways.

  6. Replies
    1. It has a beauty which I wouldn't want to live with...too harsh for me.

  7. These ancient ruins are incredibly interesting to visit and there is much to learn. Thank goodness they are protected.

    1. Yes, David, I am very glad this area is a National Park now. I remember going out to New Mexico about 50 years ago, and there was a lot of pottery on the black market that had just been carried off by anyone with a shovel at various sites. It may still be so.


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