Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, June 1, 2023

National Gun Violence Awareness Day

“Wear Orange”  

on Friday, June 2 in recognition of National Gun Violence Awareness Day and to kick off “Wear Orange” Weekend, the nationwide effort to bring public attention to the issue of gun violence and to advocate for policy changes to address it.

I haven't posted about gun violence for over a week. But do you know how many times it has been reported on the news since then? And there are many occasions not being reported. I am not counting. That is pointless actually.

Even though my local news (as well as the national ones on ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX) are all owned by certain conservative corporations, I do listen to NPR, and have BBC reports to know what is going on all over the world, somewhat. I'm sort of fed up with CNN after they gave Trump an hour to broadcast his silliness stupidity lies the day after he was found guilty of sexual abuse. And I admit to fast forwarding through many redundant reports "...and more about the recent shooting in..." So glad to have a recorded edition of the news to watch and edit at my pleasure.

I'm very glad my family in Ohio is supporting the "Moms Demand Action" group which is against gun violence and has made recent efforts to stop some bills becoming Ohio laws which enable more gun ownership that is more lenient. It's an uphill battle for them.

But the alternative is...


You know just sitting around bemoaning this problem is not going to solve it. I recently read three ways to confront problems with climate change, and I think they work just as well for the gun violence in the US.

From Caroline Lewis, an educator and environmental activist in Miami FL, "You have the superpowers of your voice, your vote, and your purse." (quoted in "Love Your Mother" by Mallory McDuff.)

As I recently quoted Buckminister Fuller on FaceBook: 

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

My additional comment was:

This is how we're going to be able to deal with climate change. The old guys just don't know their way around this new crisis. And they keep making things worse. No, We don't need to revamp the existing reality...as Bucky said, we need to build a new model! An inclusive, life affirming, non-violent, racially diverse, gender equality, compassionate model where we work together to get things done.

But back to gun violence... The reason I see a connection between these two issues, one killing us more invisibly with storms, fires, floods etc. and the other killing us in small groups day by day...is my own sense of powerlessness they bring to me. And my own anger. This should NOT BE HAPPENING.

Fortunately there are people of sanity and wisdom to talk with, to share these feelings, and to find a common ground where there is something we can do about it. For gun violence...yes groups making themselves heard, and hopefully voting for new representatives, and many petitions will eventually make the laws better. For the climate change, again, looking to legal measures, as well as the responsibilities that have been given by its citizens to the government to take care of us. That's part of their job, isn't it? 

Infrastructure is important! Safe roads, schools, places of business and shopping. Keeping the police, fire fighters and medical personel at their peak performances and funding them adequately!!

Have you seen any bridge repairs lately?

How many roads are left with potholes?

After a power station in North Carolina was crippled by gunfire, what measures have been taken to protect our electrical supply?

Multiply that to global levels...what kind of rescues will the 10th disaster receive, or the 100th? There are just so many people to care for all the rest...when storms, fires, floods take people's homes, livelihoods, families, and even their communities.

We need to now look for a bigger, better answer than what has barely worked before, and can't be simply multiplied by more manpower (think National Guard called to the southern US border). The better answer is to build that new model now.

How? Stay tuned.

Today's quote (other than above)

Stop Being So Damn Hopeless! Physical pain lets us know when our bodies have been damaged. Similarly, despair tells us when our spirits have incurred injury. Both are uncomfortable but necessary prompts to protect us from further damage and they demand a response. These days demand one too.

and... Whether your greatest present burden is a political reality, a relational fracture, a financial challenge, a medical diagnosis, or a personal demon—you still have great agency in the decisions you make, the attitude you approach each day with, the way you use your time and your resources to reflect whatever it is you value.

You’re here and able—and you’re also not alone. 

The first step and the greatest victory today is simply in seeing that yes, good people still inhabit this place and that you are one of them—and that is where the hope is.   Take a look in the mirror, friend. See the grief on your face. Feel the full depth of your sadness and be encouraged by it today. Hear your heartbeat and know that while that is happening, so much is still possible. 

-John Pavlovitz


  1. ...or wear a bulletproof vest!

  2. I usually always agree with everything John Pavlovitz has written, great quote. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. He sure has a way with words, as a "recovering evangelical pastor".

  3. I don't watch any news, but I do more or less keep up just by being online. Let us hope that both gun violence and climate change can be addressed sanely.

  4. Replies
    1. There comes a time for action as well...vote, change laws, remove semi-automatic guns from the streets...

  5. I have a T-shirt I purchased several years ago for this occasion but on my calendar I thought it was the 7th.

    1. Just checked - you're right.

    2. That's great...you at least have an orange shirt to wear tomorrow. I've got a peach T=shirt that's the closest.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.