Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Learning about air frying

 Here's my new toaster-oven-air fryer-convection oven. Thanks to relatives who send gift certificates to me for holidays, I saved up and got this!

It actually takes longer to toast my toast in the morning than my littler one that it replaced.  But I have found baking at lower temps, and for shorter times can yield very good brownies. I won't be using the grill much (I tried pork chops) because it sets off the smoke detectors. And I was able to bake a potato faster with the convection setting.

But last evening I tried the air fryer system with a little basket which sits inside the tray (covered with foil to catch the oil spills.) I didn't do my already-cooked shrimp, which I ate slowly while waiting for the tiny potatoes to air fry, then the asparagus.  

My taste said the potatoes were great...the asparagus got dried out on the tips rather than carmelizing which I love when I roast them. I will try roasting the next batch, after finishing off this pound. One person can only eat so many asparagus a day! But the olive oil and garlic flavors and sea salt added to the asparagus did make it very tasty.

I didn't like having to stand in the kitchen watching these veggies air fry to make sure they didn't burn. That's why half the shrimp was gone by the time I finally sat down.

It's another learning experience. So far this week the photos saved into the iCloud from my phone will no longer download onto my PC laptop, so I have to send them via emails to myself and then download them...which means a permanent file, until I delete them from PC. And yesterday the external speakers that I had to add to my new TV stopped working. The red light just stares at me, and I have to use TV's awful speakers while watching the Jeopardy Masters...which fortunately I got saved on YouTube TV.  

So that's where all these devices have left me for now. 

Today's quote:
Choose to be more conscious, putting to rest words and phrases that are outmoded, insensitive, or harmful.


  1. Hello,
    Your new appliance looks nice. Potatoes, asparagus and shrimp all look yummy.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. It certainly was delicious. I'm so glad to have an appliance that offers so many opportunities. Now I just need to find more recipes.

  2. That looks like a lovely meal! Good work. My late client (96) would complain about how many hours she stood and watched food cook for her family of 12!

    1. Yikes...there would sure be a stove full of pots or ovens full of casseroles to serve a family of 12, and whatever she did, she managed to live to 96.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.