Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, June 24, 2023

More of the saved photos


Galveston TX

I think California

Looks like the tuberculosis hospitals in Oteen NC

My favorite photo of Georgia O'Keeffe

This was actually a school bus.

Black Mountain NC - now Center for the Arts

I know this was at a Pow Wow in New Mexico

The first Earth Day in 1976?

near Asheville NC

Along stage road in Black Mountain NC

Shared with Sepia Saturday this week!

Today's quote:

“Life is one long daisy chain of surprises, isn’t it?” 
-Michael J.A. Speyer; The Chronicles of Samuel Sassodoro, Book Two; Lulu; 2007


  1. ...a great collection. The Bookmobile came to our school in the 1050s.

    1. Oh I do remember old Bookmobiles that were not quite like this...we'd climb onto a bus and you'd feel it wobble each time new people came in or out. I did always take as many books as I could!

  2. What a great collection of photos. I like the daisy chain quote. Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. Those are treasures. We watched a documentary on TCM this week about preserving films. They say that 80% of the silent films have been lost. The nitrate film are flammable and subject to damage from humidity. There's a race on to preserve films even from the late 90s. Saving on digital isn't wise because systems change. It was a fascinating look at films.

    1. I never thought that digital would have problems. Huh. Just goes to show, every new invention does have limitations.

  4. What a fun photo look back, Barbara, and my attention was drawn to what looks like a large hotel perched on a cliffside, the ladies on the Bookmobile, the White Castle hamburger stand and the No. 2 Piggly Wiggly!

    1. These are certainly parts of history, which we've either lived through ourselves, or our parents and grandparents...or maybe a few generations before for those covered wagons.

  5. A wonderful collection of photos! #2 Is the "Cliff House" restaurant & hotel built in San Francisco. This version of the "Cliff House" was built in 1896. Unfortuately it burned down in 1907 - a year after withstanding the great 1906 earthquake! The original "Cliff House" was built in 1863, added to in 1868, remodeled in the 1880s, and burned down in 1894. After the second fanciful "Cliff House" burned down, a third more modern "Cliff House" was built in 1909, has been remodeled serval times, and it now part of the Park Service. For an interesting account of all the Cliff Houses go to https://www.foundsf.org/index.php?title=How_Many_Cliff_Houses%3F Meanwhile, photo #9 is the Shambles in York, Eng.; and #13 appears to be the first day vehicles were allowed to cross the new Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. :->

    1. I'm glad to have all those details. Such an interesting builting!

  6. Priceless old photos. I find each one fascinating.

    1. They have lost the descriptions along the way of my saving processes. Just downloading frequently only keeps a IMG number, not when/where/how.

  7. Not easy to come up with a good "system" for not only saving photos but also being able to find them again... (I feel I'm constantly starting over, only to fail again...)

    1. Yes, I used to be well organized, but the frequent changes of these computer programs leaves me wondering, how can they think this is progress?

  8. These are amazing. Such history.

    1. I enjoy them, and just seem to run into them all the time. I hope I don't become mired in the past at some point.

  9. Another amazing tour of different time and places. I particularly like the images of early Western NC you chose since even in the 25 years I've lived here the area has changed/evolved even more.

    1. That's definitely the case, Mike. I'm sure you could do some before-after shots for places that you've liked in NC.


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