Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Weather vs climate

 Every year, when it’s a particularly chilly day, some people can be heard mumbling “Whatever happened to global warming?”

Weather is not the same as climate. One is short-term fluctuations, the other long-term trends. Denialists fail to acknowledge the long term.

And it’s more than just higher temperatures. It’s more severe tornadoes, forest fires, flooding, droughts, and heat waves. What scientists are concerned about is climate change.

Climate change denialists miss the big picture. They look at the trees, but fail to see the forest.

We here in North Carolina are having smoke from Canada and New Jersey fires give us moderate particulates in our air, so I can't walk outside without a mask (at least if I wanted to exercise.) 

We are indeed suffering from Climate Change. Our weather patterns fluctuate at extremes...and it's nice that there are scientists interested in telling us about them. But we need the people making and enforcing laws to do something with the industrially caused pollutions. 

So I'll keep using what I have to make people aware of Climate Change. My voice. My vote. My purse.

That post gave a good overview of how these meetings go...well organized so people with a specific cause can be heard.

But as always...this effort needs to go towards those who can really change things who are industrialists and government bodies. Getting them aware is a step that has proved very difficult. Deniers are everywhere, and staying perfectly comfortable.

Who voted for a candidate in the last election that even mentioned what he/she was going to do for our environment?

There's that.


  1. I wouldn't worry about the people who mumble on chilly days; they're entitled to their moan or maybe they're just ironic English folks! More worrying are the industrialists who know full well what the evidence is, but still choose to ignore it in the interest of their profits. It'll need international agreements to be rigorously enforced before they toe the line. Pretty much all our parliamentary candidates make statements about the environment, we just have to decide which, if any, really mean it.

    1. Well your candidates are ahead of ours. Maybe clean water comes up. The term Climate Change is definitely not used. But then again, I live surrounded by Republicans, and I have a feeling lots of them are climate deniers. Hope I'm wrong.

  2. The smoke from Canada includes some from an hour or two drive from here.

    1. Is that the New Jersey fires I heard about? It's terrible to have so many this early in the summer. By fall I hate to think of the losses.

    2. William is in Ottawa, and the Quebec fires are awful. We just can't get right wing conservatives to do the right thing. Big business doesn't care.

    3. This is becoming more and more obvious, and crucial to the population.

  3. Deniers are everywhere. The smoke from the wildfires seems to be moving down the east coast, we saw it the last two days. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I walked out between car and stores yesterday, but saw more people in masks than I have lately. I need to get mine out again!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.