Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Good news

 I seem to have more posts about feeling bad, having cataracts removed, and not being able to focus with my old glasses...

But wait.

Yesterday it took all of 15 minutes to drive to the Optometrist's office to pick up my new glasses with lenses that work for my new eyes.

Yay. I did tell the woman who fits them that I was sick, but had no covid or flu since I'd been tested. She was glad to help me from a distance. She only had to move the nose pieces so the glasses would sit higher on my nose.

And then I took off. Wearing them under my big old clamshell sunglasses to drive. Coming through Wendy's drive-through because it was only 11:45 and no line...picking  up a Apple Pecan salad, which included some chicken breast as well.

I took it home and just stuck it in the refrigerator...later in the day I ate about half of it for dinner. So nice that someone else prepared it for me.

I've enjoyed a lot of comfort food in the last few days. I just decided that's what I needed. Chips and salsa with Diet Dr. Pepper...then Tapioca Pudding.

Life is pretty good, I've got to say. Though I'm still working on this cold or whatever...and hope to have energy to do more tomorrow. We'll see, grasshopper. 

One of my beautiful granddaughters...taken a few winters ago. But those are the same frames for my new glasses

Today's quote:

"The doctor must have put my pacemaker in wrong. Every time my husband kisses me, the garage door goes up."  Minnie Pearl born Sarah Ophelia Colley (1912) She majored in theater, taught dance lessons, and joined a theatrical troupe which went all over the south (USA). While on tour she met a woman from the Alabama mountains whose manner of talking amused her. She imitated the mannerisms and mode of speech of the Alabama mountain woman in an act where she called herself "Cousin Minnie Pearl", which first appeared in 1939. Nashville radio executives saw the act and were impressed and in 1940 offered her the chance to perform at the Grand Ole Opry. It was a huge hit, and she'd continue with the Opry for more than 50 years. "How-Dee!"


  1. Glad you can see now, but we must discuss your comfort food. Tapioca pudding? Shudder. 😀

    However that did seem like a good fast food option. Living in a town, we don’t have all of the amenities, but the new Wendy’s will open this summer, I think.

    1. Won't argue with you. A few months ago my taste buds said Tapioca pudding...and I've kept a tub of it (from the grocers, I didn't have energy to make it myself) in the fridge most of the time.

  2. Hello,
    I am glad all is well now with your vision and I hope you are feeling better. Cute photo of you and your granddaughter. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks...loved seeing all the critters today at your post.

  3. ...being able to see is one of the joys of life.

    1. Yep. Breathing may come first, as well as having a working heart...but seeing is definitely right up there!

  4. Wendy's does have good salads to go! Sounds like you're feeling better.

    1. I'm shaky as can be today...finally opened the windows for fresh air, and I just hope it's good for me, but it was in the 60s all morning, so maybe I'm just chilly. I'll be closing windows soon...this antibiotic says stay out of the sun. Drat.

  5. I'm somewhat amazed that nobody was a fan of Minie Pearl! I loved her "Howdeee!" greeting, but seldom was listening to the Grand Ole Opry on the raidio.

  6. I remember seeing Minnie Pearl on various shows; I don't recall the names.

  7. Glad to read that you are feeling somewhat better, Barbara, and can now see clearly as well! Just spent time catching up on some of your previous posts about your cold (not the other C word). It does take awhile to go away, just lingers on and on. I speak from personal experience as we went through much the same for a couple of weeks in late winter. I also had cataract surgery (who doesn't after a certain age?) and now have reading glasses in every room and in my purse.

    We were away visiting family in RI last weekend, so this weekend is catch-up time for blog reading but not able to comment on every post I have missed.


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