Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The fears are real, as are the love and support

 NOTE: This whacky blogger posted tomorrow's blog today, so there won't be one tomorrow.

Today's quote:

The higher up you go, the more mistakes you are allowed. Right at the top, if you make enough of them, it's considered to be your style.

 -Fred Astaire, dancer, actor, singer, musician, and choreographer (1899-1987)


And unfortunately we all know how tRump exemplified that truism. 

His style continues to be expressed by Republicans in Congress...doing the crazy things that don't represent the majority of American's wishes, trying to create an autocracy rather than following our current constitution which created a democratic republic - a democracy.

You know how I feel about gun control.

I also am doing what any 80 year old grandmother can do in a small town in North Carolina to see that the climate crisis may be still averted. And if not, sharing grief with those who know how it's going to be happening to all of us.

Has there ever been a time like this? Maybe as Rome fell. Perhaps in other conditions where food was scarce due to drought and fires and floods. In older times, a local crisis didn't impact everyone in a region. But this is a much bigger, earth-wide scale.

So some thugs will still have guns. And their fears will result in the deaths of many innocents. (This is not my wish, just my observation from current events.)

And some rich people will wall themselves up in their estates and live for a little while longer than the masses who can't escape the poverty and starvation and diseases from the climate crisis when it impacts everyone else. In a way I think the richer 1% have already started doing this.

Maybe the rich people will be confronted by the fear-filled gun toting gangs...or maybe the air will be so contaminated that nobody can breathe at all. Maybe there will be corpses of vehicles strewn along unused highways when there're no more fossil fuels. This is similar to the impact of an electromagnetic pulse, written about by a local author, William R. Forstchen in "One Second After."

See, there are those scary scenarios that go through my mind sometimes. Then I bring myself back. Today, I have fresh air and sunshine that offers me health. Exercises, good food, friends with supportive ideas and touches, rest and relaxation as needed, and music, and art, and blossoms of springtime. 

I will continue to do whatever I'm capable of to support a continuation of earth mother as she naturally is, with humans existing in harmony with nature.

Tomorrow I'm scheduled for eye surgery to remove the cataract in my other eye. I'm feeling pretty good about it, having a positive experience for the first one. I may have to stop reading blogs depending on how my new lenses focus. So far the new one is clear to read here, so while the second one heals, I expect the first will suffice. 


  1. Best wishes for eye #2.
    The nightmare thought of a re-run of your last election.....

    1. And even many who have great criticism of the Republican candidate, are having second thoughts as to the Democratic one. I would like to see someone come out from the depths of Democratic lines who can crush tRump.

  2. Best wishes for you and your eye surgery! Take care!

    1. Thanks, I am actually very glad this second one is happening.

  3. ...good luck with your surgery. I had both eyes done several years ago and the results were fabulous.

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to the results, though not the actual procedure.

  4. You are doing your part.
    Hope the surgery goes well.

    1. Thanks, I will be seeing colors so much better...an exciting adventure awaits...on the other side of the one which is a challenge.

  5. Wishing you all the best with the cataract surgery and that recovery goes well.

  6. You will emerge with another wonderful eye. Bon voyage!

  7. Good luck with the cataracts! I had mine done at the same time, and it was instantly better. I was so relieved.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.