Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The changes we need first

 Yes we are voting. However, the majority of votes has not resulted in representing us.

The minority party has gerrymandered many districts, sothey are in power on local and national levels. And many of the courts are now in the contol of judges which this minority appointed or had elected...again by a skewed voting apparatus. All perfectly legal.

So we have to start local...then move upward to get the districts back into a fair distribution of voters, with just as many of each party represented in each election.

That's what a democratic republic looks like.

So...as my dear blogging friend says, start small and work constantly for what is the most important task of our lives.

Well, maybe the climate crisis is also part of that task. Yesterday I talked about gun control which is now frozen in the hands of NRA supported, big-businessmen-running-congressional seats that supposedly represent us. Whether it's the oil industry vs. alternative power sources, or getting rid of AR-15s completely...we need to work hard on issues that hold our lives in danger.

Unfortunately demonstrations aren't going to change those minds which have the power now. We have to undermine them where we can...the ballot box. Find who near you can give voice to what you believe in and stand with them, give support in whatever ways you can. 


  1. Demonstrations won't change the minds of those in power...but they may remind those who can vote

  2. It would be nice if the votes of the majority really counted. Changes are needed! Have a great day!

  3. ...first off, assault rifles were design for the military. if you want to shoot one join up!

  4. I don’t know why gerrymandering is allowed. It is so undemocratic. We tend to remove electoral divisions from the whims of the governing parties.

  5. I've read some about gerrymandering. It is awful. And our mutual gun issues, I just don't know.

    1. I'm not sure when it started, but lately (maybe the last 50 years) which ever party got in power in a state legislature, they would try to get the districts re-drawn so more of their constiuents would be elected in the next election. It became much easier with digital data from census records, and in North Carolina it's farsical. A judge told them to change it, and it still remains with the Repubs having every district. Asheville area is majority Dems, but they have been divided into other districts where the GOP can have a majority of votes. Stupid, or clever. But definitely foxy.

  6. Barbara, My problem is finding someone to vote for that is middle of the road. I can't identify nor do I want to support candidates from the far right or the far left. Frustrating! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I suggest talking with your friends, see who they might also support on a local level that you like their message. Yes sometimes the extremes do seem to not really accomplish anything at all!


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