Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Like minds

The following is a quote by 

Scott Russell Sanders

We have been carrying on two parallel conversations, one about respecting human diversity, the other about preserving natural diversity.


Unless we merge those conversations, both will be futile. Our efforts to honor human differences cannot succeed apart from our effort to honor the buzzing, blooming, bewildering variety of life of earth.


All life rises from the same source, and so does all fellow feeling, whether the fellow moves on two legs or four, on scaly bellies or feathered wings.


If we care only for human needs, we betray the land; if we care only for the earth and its wild offspring, we betray our own kind.


The profusion of creatures and cultures is the most remarkable fact about our planet, and the study and stewardship of that profusion seems to me our fundamental task.

His message above coincides directly with Doughnut Economics model, as being used in the Swannanoa Watershed Action Network to help our neighborhood make changes to support all systems.

See my posts Here about the Doughnut Ecocomics model, Think outside the Box .

And my post included the video Living the Change, Inspiring Stories for a Sustainable Future

which also contained a link to the Doughnut Economics Workshop (about a year ago) Here.

A lot has changed since I first became interested in Swannanoa Watershed Action Network a year ago!!


  1. Hello,
    There must be a way to take care of our human needs and the earth. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. That's exactly what we're working towards...kind of grass roots at this point, but several towns have decided to use the Doughnut model to find areas to balance nature and humanity, and especially to have regenerative growth.

  2. Barbara, Balancing nature and humanity...a wonderful concept. I'm just not very optimistic about humans... Those who have nothing care about feeding their families and survival...despite damage to the environment. Those who are well to do don't want to give up what they have or what they want. While there is a group in the middle who want to balance the scales, the wealthy have money $$$ which equals power and those who have nothing can't afford to care about nature too much as survival is their only goal. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. We all will need to look survival in the eyes at some time. COVID helped many see that sense of danger to human life from nature, and of course many people never saw a thing. It is important for those who now know the truth about climate change to share it with all their friends, so they can put efforts toward the future. I think a lot of people deny it because they haven't any sense of hope. There certainly is. Right now.

  3. There has to be balance and respect for flora and fauna. Soon, I hope.

  4. Replies
    1. Each person has a circle of friends with whom they can share this wisdom.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.