Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Not reading about politics

 I have all these wonderful comentators who have daily emailed newsletters...as well as the big initialed people who give talking points called "Five Things You Need To Know."

So I've just deleted the political ones each day, and am gradually removing the subscriptions. Ever since the GOP took over Congress, and tRump was in court...the news just wasn't anything I had any interest in. The Democrats would evaluate the situation, come up with reasons it was not good, and go on into how they could have done better.

Local news, local politics - I pay big bucks (for me) to get streamed through YouTube TV on my streaming-only new TV. It might also be available if I had an attena still. Anyway, I filter out the local murder stories and highway mahem usually, and want to know where new construction is happening, or different non-profits have new efforts, or the actions regarding the young people arrested in December for helping the homeless. Yes, I've got my local interests!

I do also select BBC and CBS and NPR stories about international and some national news.

And sometimmes I see things when scrolling through Facebook that means something newsworthy is happening. 

I have dedicated the rest of my life to serving environmental issues, so I do read about lots of those...and there are more that I don't know about yet and would love to follow! My dedication doesn't mean much actually...just talking with others mainly (here, on Facebook, in meetings).

I am overwhelmed by the many gun deaths reported.

I am overwhelmed by gory details of any violence, anywhere.

After all I'm 80 years old. I don't have most of my life ahead of me, but behind me. And in that time, the memories of any violent news has faded into a file I call "things I would rather forget."

I still have lots of items in my mental file of "Things Worth Remembering."

As some scientists, or maybe spiritual leaders have said, we only have so much room in our brains. 

What happened to the ones that said we only use 50% of our brains' capacity?

Anyway, while on the subject of brains, I did try the several over-the-counter products that supposedly help with brain function. For 6 months at least. Nada.

I think having a healthy diet, getting fresh air and as much exercise as I'm able to do have been the best things for my brain health. Just my opinion. Remember this blog is where I share my opinions. But you are welcome to comment, which I will definitely read.

 I have lost a bit of weight while dealing with pneumonia, and I would like to keep it off. I mentioned that to my Chronic Care Coodinator today (we talk once a month about my health goals and any new developments.) He said he had studied nutrition before his medical studies to become a Physicians Assistant...and he'd be happy to help me if I want to continue to gradually lose weight. Diet for plant based food is really hard for me. So I asked him to be my coach. 

And tonight I ate a Burger King Impossible Whopper (plant based, tastes like hamburger.) Not that great since it's full of oils, but it really does taste like a hamburger. I don't usually want that sandwich anyway. I tossed out the white bread bun. Lettuce and tomato were very scant.


  1. I do agree with you about a healthy diet, fresh air and exercise being the best things to do. Better than all the fads and trends. 'A little bit of what you fancy but not too much of anything' has always seemed a good adage to me.

    1. I like that philosophy, but tend to get more of what I fancy (treats) than perhaps I should if I really want to lose more weight. So I'm back to asking myself, is this worth it to my goals? And if the answer is a clear no, I eat just a smidge, and save the rest for another day...somehow pie over 3 days must not be as bad for me as it would be all in one swoop. Is this stinking thinking? I should ask myself the question before buying it I think!

  2. ...politics has alway been an important part of my life.

  3. Hello,
    Between my hubby and myself, we are up to date on the political news. One thing the baffles me is why anyone could be against science and the environment. I have not been to a Burger King in a long time, the fast food tends to make me ill. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I certainly understand fast food giving one indigestion. It is really hard to deal with fanatics (usually of the religious kind) who have belief systems hardened in place against all the facts that might be offered. Time to walk away.

  4. My appetite has been scarce the last couple of weeks. I don't know if that's being under the weather or grief.

    1. Oh dear, I sure understand (and that's how I lost quite a bit of weight earlier in the year.) I'm going to investigate a Climate Change Grief Group that will be at our Earth Day Celebration on Saturday. I'll let you (and everyone who reads my blog) know what they are doing. I think it's an important part of recognizing just where we are in the climate crisis. Those feelings are valid and need to be expressed, and given support by understanding people.

  5. What a wise decision, Barbara, to give up on reading political commentaries and dedicating your time to serving environmental issues. I applaud you as one who does not read much beyond the daily news. Perhaps, it makes me more ignorant and less-informed than many others, but I prefer to spend my time on things that interest ME. We all have limited time, no matter what our age, because there are no guarantees on longevity as we see from so many senseless killings of late.

    I agree with your statement that having a healthy diet, getting fresh air and exercising as much as possible can be the best things for not only brain health, but mental health as well.

    Rightfully so, your blog should always be the place where you can share your opinions and whether or not others want to comment is their choice. Lately, I have found myself reading more blog posts than commenting, not because I am uninterested, but because there is only so much time to spend on doing things I also enjoy besides reading fellow blogger's posts.

    And, congrats on the weight loss as I am currently working on a program, which thankfully doesn't involve pneumonia.

    1. Great to hear from you, and I salute you on your program for better health. I certainly understand not making comments every time I read blogs, and sometimes not being able to read all the ones I like every day. Yes, we each have choices as to how to spend our time, energy, and emotional/mental efforts.

  6. Hi Barbara, I know what you mean about the constantly negative news and I do like finding the happy stories. Still, I value being informed. It doesn't depress me but if it did...and some friends are depressed by the news and have stopped paying attention to it...I wouldn't watch it either. In my mother's later years, she just never watched the news. My better half would probably be happier if I didn't pay so much attention to what's happening... As for the environment, its hard to separate the issues from the politics and the news in general. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. The environmental crisis is definitely linked to politics. So I'm still going to be watching that as it changes. I guess the politics of he said/she said, the name calling, the petty gripes just aren't interesting to me.

  7. I admire your tasks. I often skip the local and national political news when it's just power games. But I have a steady and regular feed on various channels on environmental issues and groups/campaigns.
    As for diet changes and climate change, have a look here:
    I dislike most plant-based meat replacements, never really felt the need for it. A vegetarian for most of my life, I just eat what tastes good and is in season.

    1. Second attemp to comment - where do some of my replies go anyway? THanks so much for the link to another good diet source. I'll check it out.

  8. Seeing headlines and very short TW comments keeps me more or less informed.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.