Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, February 26, 2022

When the sky comes down the slopes


Often when rain is expected, the first sign is the clouds coming down over the top of the mountain on the other side of Swannanoa River Valley, where I live. I'm up on a slope so looking through trees, I can see those clouds. The far red roof to the left is the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly retreat center. Sorry it's such a jumble when I tried to do a close up.

On the far right you can see the actual edge of the mountain slope...the rest has the puffy clouds coming down over the ridge.

These views are outside my living room window, in a building much like the one you see down hill in this photo.

Sharing with Skywatch Friday.


  1. As they say in Lancashire: "When you can see the hills it's going to rain; when you can't see them it's raining already">

  2. ...and soon your view will be blocked by greenery.

    1. Yes, about 6 months of the year it's like this, then like that. But the spring and fall are a few weeks of astonishing beauty!

  3. Good morning and good weekend. Enjoy the rain, if it comes.

    1. Thanks John...it's coming. Lots of plans for a weekend have been postponed. But a huge race of runners who went from Black Mountain up to Mt. Mitchell and back has been going all morning. They may straggle into Lake Tomahawk as late as this afternoon. I bet they're dealing with weather!

  4. Hello,
    The rain is welcome, but I can do without the snow and ice. We had a freezing rain yesterday, the trees were white from all the ice. Nice views and photos. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Sorry that rain froze there...a danger to many trees, and thus elec. getting cut off when limbs land on wires. Here the elec. co. has been out trimming overhanging branches. Trees look so bare after their trims. Happy weekend!

  5. Still in Buffalo where we had snow yesterday. At home in NH there was 10 inches of the white stuff. I head home on Monday. Dan's coming tomorrow. It's been a month helping here with new grandbaby in the house.

    1. Buffalo is maybe one of the snowiest places in the US, I think. It's great that you were there to help with the new little one. And it will be great to be home!

  6. Lovely mountain views there. It's nice to be able to watch the clouds come over them like that. Enjoy the rain. Maybe there will be rainbows!

    1. I seldom can see rainbows...unless I go somewhere outside my house. I had hoped to have an outside lunch with friends today, but it's just too cold...and I still don't feel comfortable eating close to others inside restaurants.

  7. I love having mountains views and being able to watch the weather.

    1. Yes, it is certainly one of the biggest changes around here. Have a good weekend!

  8. Replies
    1. I feel so sheltered here...while others might feel closed in. I love these mountains.

  9. Barbara, Love being able to see the mountains and/or water. Forests too! All calming which is needed more than ever with everything that's going on in the world. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Thanks Big Daddy Dave...hop you and your wife are doing well. Stay safe y'all.

  10. Enjoy the beautiful view while you have it.

    1. Thanks Bill, I sure will. We were forecast rain off and on, but whenever I looked out it wasn't falling yet. Probably tomorrow!

  11. So lovely how the clouds roll over the mountains. Pretty photos!

  12. Replies
    1. Yes, I guess that would be a appropriate emotional way to look at it.

  13. Nice shots! The mountains make for interesting weather.

    1. It's raining all day today (Sunday) and the ridges have completely disappeared. Everything feels cold and damp, and I don't like that at all. But I'll be so happy when the sun comes out again!

  14. I don´t have mountains where I live so, never see this kind of weather.

    1. When I lived in FL, I never saw this, but had huge thunderclouds that would threaten rain and storms. Of course there were more severe weather patterns there as well.

  15. It is the freezing rain that scares me.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.