Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Some photos from the net...


Art by Maurice Sendak 

My son Russ. daughter Kate and wife Michelle. They may have been aware Kate had Covid, and they left FL and went home to Ohio. Kate didn't like having the 5 days of isolation from her family. The next week Russ came down with it. He's still dealing with some of the symptoms, second week. Yes they had vaccinations. But Kate was at a Field Hockey tournament and didn't mask up for that.

A photo from Ohio in 1924. 

Someone posts Stonehenge photos on FaceBook.

Panthiesm defined. I don't even know how to say that first number, and yet I'm walking around representing it!

Today's quote:

"The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned."  

Maya Angelou 


  1. ...I didn't realize that Maurice Sendak was an artist too. I am that many atoms?

    1. Well, in your case, I dare say a few million, give or take!

  2. It is so easy to slip and catch and spread..perhaps a bike riding mask would suit other sports too...you can easily ride wearing them, and they are designed to keep pollution out when you ride.
    Maurice Sendack's art is as beautiful as his writing

    1. I loved finding Sendack's art, and reading his books for children. Glad you can wear masks while riding, and obviously you need all the oxygen you can get!

  3. Heard that a former colleague died of C. Great guy, but I wonder if his religious persuasion made him an anti-vaxxer. I suspect so but didn’t ask. I once taught his daughter. I wonder how she’s doing. Oh, his wife got C too but she may pull through.

    1. Sorry to hear of colleague's death. Strange that we now can use C. to designate yet another illness, since for the last 50 years it designated cancer.

  4. I read headlines about the virus slowing down, and then I read blog posts about people's loved ones testing positive. We still have to be so careful and mask up. It's all so very sad these days.

    1. People have to self report with all these at home tests...so the statistics only represent the ones who have notified government agencies. Yes, we can look with love in the eyes of friends and family knowing any of us can catch it and be very sick. Hope you all stay safe.

  5. I hope they recover from COVID with no long term effects. This damn pandemic just refuses to leave us alone!

    1. They both have recovered. My granddaughter was especially glad to get back to being active. Thanks for asking. The truckers in Canada that are against vaccination and masks just blow my mind.

  6. I hope your son's family will recover and be fine once again. Covid is here for the long term and we must still keep ourselves safe. I still wear a mask on public transit and in stores.

    1. Yes, it probably will be around for quite a while. And my family has recovered completely. I almost walked into a store today and felt naked, I'd forgotten my mask! I went back and got it.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.