Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, February 3, 2022

I am old already

 I heard another grandmother say "I'm already old, so I can't die young."

I made it out of the house to pick up a dinner meal. My taste buds still are affected by the darned antibiotic, so it didn't taste all that good. Oh well. 

I woke up this morning feeling like I'd come through a long dark tunnel...this particular infection has really knocked me for a loop. It's not over yet, but it is confined to my mouth. So the rest of me kind of works ok.

I had to stop myself from turning cartwheels.

If you believe that, I'd like to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.

When I was in the Dr. office last week, my oxygen level was 87 with my mask on. I took it off and my pulse ox was  eventually 95, where it usually is. So I'm aware I'm walking around with a lessened amount of oxygen feeding my brain when I wear the KN-95 mask. I've figured out how to blow air out under the chin when nobody's around. Why do I get so mad when I see people wearing one on the mouth but not their noses?

I feel responsible for everybody.

That just came out when I complained to a man that he didn't have his nose covered.

Not my photo of driving on Old Hwy 70 after the Snow Storm Izzy...it was  pretty cold for a day or so, but most roads were clear after 2 or 3 days.

Our second snow was just an inch at most...and when these walks had been salted, it seems the wind blew the snow off them. 

No direct sun hits my porch or little grassy area...but the temperatures were in the 40s the last couple of days.

It's Black History Month in the US, so I'm looking forward to learning about more Black people and how they've contributed to our lives. I loved someone saying Black women helped us land on the moon.

Well, as you can see, I don't have much on my mind, which is just humming along in all directions! As I mentioned in a couple of comments yesterday, my family members who had covid have all recovered, saying it was mainly a bad cold. So glad that's all it was for them.

Today's quote:

There is also an artificial aristocracy founded on wealth and birth, without either virtue or talents... The artificial aristocracy is a mischievous ingredient in government, and provisions should be made to prevent its ascendancy. 
-Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect, and author (13 Apr 1743-1826)

And in case you didn't know, Virginia, where he lived, has a distinct sense of it's own aristocracy!


  1. That’s an upbeat post. I am happy for you that you’re feeling better. we’re having a little break from that deep cold that was January. It has even crept above freezing a little bit.

    1. Yay AC! You're practically getting a sunburn! Enjoy the day, whatever it brings...here is rain.

  2. Hello,
    I am glad you are recovering and your family is doing well too. There are days I feel really old.
    Driving in snow is not one of my favorite things, it looks pretty from the window or in a photo. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks, Eileen. Feeling and being old are kind of merged inside me...where parts keep breaking down and I've got a team of pros to help put me back right again.

  3. ...I hope that you will be on the mend ASAP!

    1. Everyday is a bit better, thanks. Except for the weather! February always sucketh, that should be a bumper sticker!

  4. I'm glad that you are starting to feel better. Yay! Take care there, Barbara.

  5. Kudos to you that you are interested in learning more about the black citizens of your country, in a time when so many jurisdictions are banning books that even hint at past injustices. Banning books is a sure early sign of fascism. Does public book burning come next?

    1. It's always a threat to democracy, to have conservatives turning into fascists. It's Black History Month here, a good chance to find out about the history of a people that have been marginalized.

  6. The bagboy at Ingles who wears his mask on his chin gets on my one last nerve.

    1. Oh you should just remove your mask and cough in his direction a few times! (I'm kidding, but I'm really tired of this pandemic!!

  7. I hope you are well by now. Your land looks pretty much like ours. A bit snow here and there.
    Have a great week.

    1. I'm feeling much better, thank you. We've had constant rain today, and due for more tomorrow. Lots of people further north are getting slaamed with snow.

  8. That's wonderful news that you are feeling better.

    1. Thanks a lot. It's been great to have blogging friends giving me support.

  9. I read about your taco takeout on AC's post. Sorry it didn't taste good.
    I'm in Buffalo and it's snowing on top of the mounds of snow they already had. Helping with granddaughter's care so parents can work and awaiting the baby due to come any day now.

    1. Oh my, I know how Buffalo has lots of snow. I've several friends from there. You all are the family of care waiting for a "blessed event" as our mothers would call it. Enjoy your granddaughter, and the snow play when she gets out in it. I did eat the taco without the extra flavor, I was hungry!

  10. We've had snow all night. I shovelled it, and we're good. More on the way, though!
    Glad you are feeling a bit better.
    My granddaughter had to correct her other grampa who wasn't wearing his mask properly. I giggled when I heard that!

    1. Good for you being able to shovel snow. You must be younger and more fit than I am! Thanks, I am glad also to be feeling better. A lot of gratitude there! So fun to hear your granddaughter helped educated her grampa!

  11. Nice photos and the header picture is gorgeous. I hope you are feeling better. Don’t get me started on Virginia’s aristocracy. They continue to hang on in their own minds.

  12. Regarding those Black women who helped us get to the moon. You must watch "Hidden Figures." Great movie. I watched it with my granddaughter a few years ago and we had a wonderful conversation afterward.

    Love the Jefferson quote. Get well soon!


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