Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

It must be terrible...

... to work in a public setting and have to wear a mask all day...

When I was in 2 rehab programs, I exercised and wore a mask half the day, only taking it off for strenuous exercise and to drink water. It became second nature and kept me healthy!

The other day I decided to just catch those workers I saw at Ingles Grocery who were standing at work at the check-outs with ineffective masks.

This young man noticed my camera, or perhaps his boss, and he pulled his mask over his nose. His boss had just left a consult with him, and his mask had also been below effective level. I wasn't quick enough to catch him.

My  bagger gentleman was happy to pull his wayward mask up higher when I asked, and he apologized to me. The checker in my lane had a lovely mask securely on her face. I sometimes will thank these hard working folks who have this extra burden. I know it reduces their level of oxygen that they can breathe.

I got my 4th COVID vaccine shot at their pharmacy that day. While waiting I noticed most of the customers passing by had masks correctly worn. I had been passed by a couple earlier where they both only covered their mouths. Please, what's the point?

My second booster shot was only half a dose, according to the pharmacist who had asked me to verify I had an immuno-compromised disease of COPD. My age also might have worked.  Anyway, I've yet to have anything more than a sore arm. And usually I take some Tylenol as a pre-emptive for any aches or pains. This time I didn't.  More days with tender feeling in arm, but no symptoms of a cold. I tried tasting honey one morning as I put it in my coffee, and felt bad because the tip of my tongue didn't register the sweetness. But then I had the flavor work somewhere else on my tongue and I felt relieved.

And yes, the mask mandate is about to be over. Some states have already loosened their mandates, and I'm pretty sure ours expires soon (tomorrow?)

So will I still wear one? Oh yes. Till the news stops having numbers of new cases listed each night, which is over 200,000 per day at this point. And those are only the ones reported to authorities.

Sorry to repeat what I already posted over on FaceBook.

Today's quote:

Always being rushed and in a hurry doesn't allow time for the soul to enjoy life, which is composed of small, ordinary moments that can be beautiful


  1. It can't be pleasant having to wear a mask all day, but surgeons and others in healthcare have done so for years. I seem to remember reading somewhere that different tastes are sensed by different areas of the tongue.

    1. I have read that also, about our taste abilities. Yes, many folks have been wearing much more personal protective equipment...in hospitals, for instance. I had a friend say she didn't want to wear masks, when there was a shortage in the early days of COVID, because she wanted them to be available for care-givers.

  2. Hello,
    I agree it can not be comfortable to wear a mask all day. I would be afraid to mention to anyone that they are wearing their mask wrong. People can be so mean and angry lately. I think they are removing the mask mandates here. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

    1. THanks for your comment Eileen. Yes there are folks that wear them so they can keep their jobs, but their anger comes out with the non-compliance of where they wear them!

  3. ...I'm reminded of the comment by my 8 year old granddaughter about wearing a mask. What's the big deal?

  4. My grandie corrects people around her. I like that.
    It can be uncomfortable, but how kind to protect the public by wearing it properly.
    The common anti-mask theories are horrid. They don't limit your oxygen. If you are sucking in air, and breathing, you are sucking in oxygen. There are many studies to prove this.

    1. Yes, we can breathe with a mask...I hope these poor guys don't catch COVID, but at another level, I hope they do. My bad angel does have it's voice too!

  5. We're planning on wearing masks when we're shopping at the market even though the requirement ends tomorrow. It should be interesting to see how things go in the next few weeks and if the virus cases spike up again. We humans are a giant Petri dish! Take care there and stay safe and healthy.

    1. Yes, whether or not there's a new spike should be interesting. I bought some more N-95's and plan to wear them. I wear the surgical kinds when exercising though, so I can breathe better, since I'm already outdoors.

  6. We still have to wear masks when going in to stores and on public transit. I'm used to it so it's not a big deal to me.

    1. Yes, after 2 years, we all should be used to it. Unfortunately I live where a lot of Republicans live, and many of them are against accepting there really is a virus. Seriously!

  7. The Canadian women's’ Olympic hockey team recently payed a game wearing KN95 masks. Yet, many poor dears think tis is too be=ig of an ask. We are loosening some mandates at the end of the month but not mask mandates yet.

    1. That team was outstanding, and they are playing against the US women, or just did. Time zone and days are different in China. Good news that everyone should pay attention to! Tomorrow all the idiots here will be maskless, I bet. Not me!

  8. I don't understand the furor over masks at all or the misinformation. I look way younger with mine on and intend to keep wearing one forever! :)

  9. I plan on keeping to a mask for some time to come.

  10. I too will continue to mask in crowded situations. But I do feel for those who have to wear them all day every day.

    1. It's sometimes pretty easy. The masked people seem to be able to endure it. I did have one hospital employee who had a rash after wearing surgical masks, so switched to cloth.

  11. There is a difference between masks. I must say they are comfortable on really cold days because they keep my nose warm.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.