Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, February 24, 2022

The windy walk and a cute pup


I called him little bear...I didn't find out his real name. I was interested in what breed he was...a Cav-e-poo. It may be spelled differently, but it means Cavalier and Poodle parentage. I thought he was the cutest dog I'd ever seen, and though he is still a puppy, he isn't going to get much larger. If I could have a dog like him...there wouldn't be shedding problems, but oh my, the cost!! I can't exactly find one at the humane society shelter. Can't believe people pay 1200 dollars for a pet.

The wind on the lake was going with me as I walked toward the dam. But you know what that meant coming back! I didn't try walking across the dam, and back the long way. I was frigid just going straight back to the parking lot. And it took until I was home (another 10 minutes drive with my hands in front of the warm heater vents) before my fingers were warm again. I did have them in my pockets, except one hand was holding my walking stick, and I stopped for these 3 photos! Next time gloves gal!

Our illustrious weather report said it was 53 F out, but it sure felt closer to 43. Usually by the lake is warmer, but not that day!!

Today's quotes:

Vocations which we wanted to pursue, but didn't, bleed, like colors, on the whole of our existence. 
-Honore de Balzac, novelist (20 May 1799-1850)

"On...[Feb 22]... in 1632 Galileo published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems...in which he argued against the belief of the church, that the Earth was not the center of the Universe, and that in fact the Sun is the center of the solar system, and the Earth is circling around it. The Dialogue was placed on the Catholic Church's Index of Forbidden Books the following year and Galileo was tried and convicted for heresy. He spent the rest of his life under house arrest, and none of his later books were permitted to be published in his lifetime. The Dialogue remained on the Index of Forbidden Books until 1835."
from Writer's Almanac Newsletter


  1. What an appealing little dog. More like a toy than a real animal. It's probably just as well that people have to pay handsomely for them, then maybe they'll look after them well.

    1. Good point John...but the stray dogs around here are certainly not bred like this little guy was.

  2. ...since I'm not a pet lover, I have a difficult time understanding the money that people are willing to spend on their pets!

    1. I've never purchased a pet...oh, except the tropical fish, but I gave that up last year.

  3. Hello,
    I would like to have a dog that doesn't shed, what a cutie puppy dog.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. He really caught my eye. I think of his owner wondering how I used that photo of him...sharing him all over the world here! She sure wouldn't have expected that, I bet!

  4. BiL’s wife had 3 KCC Spaniels at one time, but once BIL passed, she was not interested in keeping up with us. It’s not a big loss, but we would have been willing to keep her in the family fold.

    1. Interesting segway from the dogs to your losing contact with a wife of a BIL. Sorry you lost that contact with the dogs?

  5. That puppy is adorable. I'd love to have a little doggie like that one.
    We're having crazy cold weather here on the north coast. 26 degrees yesterday morning. Yikes!
    (This is my new account after my computer got a virus. I can't use robin.andrea anymore)

    1. Thanks for telling me, I changed your address on my list of blogs I follow (right hand column). I'm not really a dog person. Would love some pretty cat, but not the dander with my breathing problems these days.

  6. That's an adorable dog, but they are too much work for me. I can barely handle a cat.

    1. Yes, the idea of walking the pup twice a day doesn't fit into my lifestyle at all.

  7. There are plenty of animals in the rescue centres waiting for their forever home, it's a shame people don't think more about it before spending lots of money on designer pets.

    1. Having allergies sometimes can prompt that decision. No shedding does sound pretty good, but I agree, not THAT good.

  8. Pretty adorable--but so are lots of rescue pups.

    1. Yes there are...and people who have good environments for dogs to enjoy also. For an apartment person, I'd rather a cat...indoor of course. But not at this time of my life. I'll just go visit friends who have cats.

  9. It's not only buying the pet, if they get sick vet's bills can ruin you.

    1. A good point, and then they die. I don't mean to sound grim, but we do outlive most of our pets...and some just die, but many present with various ailments which are costly not only in vet care, but the owners have to give them pills usually...no fun. If I wanted to treat sick animals, I'd be working at the vet. So I'm not getting another pet in this lifetime. I'll pat yours over the head though...


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