Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Sunshine and spring signs at the garden

 The people who own the house on the corner of Old 70 and Walker Rd, are very interested in a beautiful yard, all the way out to the street.

Mrs. Horse was munching grass near the fence at the Community Gardens, so I snuck up to get her picture.

Cool air but a clear sky brought a lot of gardeners out to work, though the dirt was a bit muddy still.

Our harbingers of spring were in different places, happy daffys.

I don't know what this early blooming bush is, and didn't want to bother the gardeners to ask.

There are some fun ornaments on plots...here a concrete owl.

Showing the whole plot with the owl at the far end.

Inside the barn were some seedlings. There was a freeze last night, so they were protected in here.

More tomorrow of my garden visit...


  1. Hello,

    Love the pretty blooming trees and daffodils. The mountain view and garden look pretty. Does the owl keep critters away from the garden? Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Actually I wonder what kind of critters would be afraid of a concrete owl...but maybe just the profile shape would do some scaring of maybe a crow or two. The gardens are certainly coming along. Have a great week.

  2. ...spring is a magical time of year.

    1. And since I'm in the fall of my lifetime, I have trouble keeping up with the spring magic. Maybe can capture a wee little bit.

  3. Even your southern area takes a little while to green-up completely.

    1. Yes, there are some sunny days when it looks like I'll blink and everything will have bloomed, then a few cold ones where there all seem to stop and stand still.

  4. Thanks for the daily walks. Those look like generous garden plots.
    My daffodils may actually bloom today.........or tomorrow

    1. Oh how wonderful to see those daffodils beginning their cheerful life!

  5. It really is starting to look like a beautiful spring is springing up there.

    1. We still have dogwood winter to go through...and the dogwoods haven't even begun to bloom. Then there's blackberry winter, and I'm never sure when that is, because I don't have views of blackberries. Maybe I'll find them at the gardens.

  6. Barbara, Love the spring photos. The one with the horse and the mountains or plateau in the distance is my favorite. Not into gardening at this stage and age. Too hard getting up and down...but I do appreciate others efforts. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I am with you totally, enjoying taking photos that don't require as much bending as growing gardens does.

  7. Replies
    1. I keep noticing cute little additions that show a personal touch.

  8. The community garden will look great soon with everything growing. I like the owl too.

  9. Lovely! And it reminds me I need to get busy in my garden.

    1. can't wait to see how you've decided to plant things this year!

  10. My neighbor has an owl on his roof, near his chimney. I think I need one since I have some noisy crows who like to peck and screech up there. It's very annoying and bothers my cat.

    1. Yes, I've seen the more realistic owls on various roofs...a good idea to keep small bothersome birds away.


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