Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, March 12, 2021

Old Photos - Two

 For women's history month, I'll share some ancestor women...of whom I think the one on the far left standing next to the car, might be my ex-husband's mother.

These were theatrical friends who visited her at her parents home in Michigan. They just took over that old Model-A, which had a crank to turn the motor over. I'm only guessing what model the car was...can't tell much.

Another young woman demonstrates that having a motor helps one drive a two wheeler scooter as well.I don't know where I saw this, but it's something I had to grab!

A slightly more recent woman performer, cowgirl, Dale Evans. She was Roy Rogers' wife and side-kick for their rodeo shows. Her horse was named Buttercup, while Roy's was Trigger.

Sharing this post on Sepia Saturday this week! I hope some others with sepia photos can come closer to the prompt photo below.

Update on health...have had two bad days with bronchiectasis outbreaks, coughing very tiring. Mucous is not happy, and I can't seem to get clear. I can sit with my feet up, and am not taking the new "water" pills since Sunday when I took just one. Had Dr. visit in  pulmonology, with support for what I'm doing (taking antibiotic already, which would be a good treatment if I did have pneumonia, but I don't) and may get a specimen of mucous to give them. The rash on my face has finally cleared up (it's called mask rash). Going to get compression socks to help with feet swelling. I'm thrilled that I had the energy to vacuum yesterday. Maybe tomorrow I'll have energy to do a walk. But the blood pressure has been pretty high for the last couple of days too. I'll have blood drawn on Fri. and maybe can ask the nurse there.

Today's quote:

If only the sun-drenched celebrities are being noticed and worshiped, then our children are going to have a tough time seeing the value in the shadows, where the thinkers, probers, and scientists are keeping society together. -Rita Dove, poet (b. 28 Aug 1952)


  1. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I've been MIA in reading blogs this week so missed that you'd been sick.

    1. I guess it sound more dire than I meant it to be. Just finding a new part that's giving me trouble (swelling in feet) and yet again, taking care of the same old same old. I woke up today feeling much better!

  2. I hope you feel better soon, Barbara.

    1. Thanks. I'm enjoying Friday's warm weather here in Black Mountain NC

  3. I adore the pic of the woman on the scooter!

  4. Great quote! I hope you feel better soon so you can get back to walking.

    1. THanks, Margaret. I did the chores that had piled up for this week, and tomorrow is due to be rainy. Soon I'll get back to walking!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Now that is a scooter. She must have been a true pioneer in riding the scooter through the city.

    1. Well, that's assuming she didn't just stand on it for the photo!

  7. Love your choices of pix - especially the gal on the motorized scooter! I'll have to look up bronchiectasis? I had serious bronchitis when I was 8 & 9 years old and in my adult years suffer from something I call "Morning Stuff" except it pretty much lasts all day (constantly having to clear my throat which is not the best for a singer!) I've tried various suggestions by doctors but so far, nothing has really helped and some suggestions have even made things worse! I sound like someone who has smoked mega packs of cigarettes all my life, but haven't - although my Dad smoked 2 1/2 packs a day back when no one knew the dangers of second-hand smoke to others in the household - especially children! Oh well. Your troubles sound a little more serious than "Morning Stuff", however, so I hope things get better soon! The leg swelling isn't good either. Don't know if would help at all, but I was having quite a bit of trouble with that and was told to try cutting way back on sugar and voila, what do you know! No more leg swelling. Just throwing it out there for whatever it might be worth? :)

    1. Now they have told me to cut back on salt. But sugar? Interesting. Bronchiectasis is mainly not being able to clear out mucous naturally like most people, so needing to cough to get it up. I do nebulizer treatments twice a day, as well as a couple of inhalers. Sorry I don't know a thing about your condition, which does sound frustrating for you.

  8. The scooter looks not that different from what we're seeing on the roads again now.

    1. But I question whether it would be safe on a road. Perhaps on a trail!

  9. I'd forgotten about Dale Evans. She looks great. I was surprised by the scooter in the second photo. I didn't know that sort of vehicle was available so long ago.

    1. I dare say when little engines were made, whether electric or later on gas powered, someone said, let's power this little scooter. I'm thinking it had a battery also to provide elec.

  10. Loved the women in your post and like the others the scooter one is my favourite. Hope you are feeling better soon. That glorious Dogwood shot is driving me wild with envy. I have two struggling along here, but they never look like that. Stunning.

    1. I never thought it would look so good...but the rain really made its colors pop. Actually most of our dogwoods are dying from some disease around here. So sad.

  11. While that scooter is cute, my fav is the group with the car. I don't think I have any old photos that show a crank on the car.
    I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks for your good wishes, Wendy. Today was mostly grey and rainy, so I settled in on the computer and household chores. Even thought of taking a nap, but didn't really need one. Glad you like the car with the crank and all the young women!

  12. The car picture - I can just hear all the gals laughing, as the photog tries to get them to keep still. What fun! I didn't know that scooters existed that early. Doesn't Dale Evans look great - she's so young there. Great photos. I hope you feel better!! Yesterday!! (:

    1. Thanks, I took it easy most of today. Yes, those gals must have really had fun climbing onto the car for that shot.

  13. Love the photo of the woman on the scooter. Our city was being overrun by scooters just a year ago. Really a nuisance on downtown streets and left on sidewalks. But I'm an old fogey. I do wonder if the scooter companies have survived quarantine. Hope you are feeling better!

    1. I don't have a clue...except the amount of traffic in "rush hours" has been much more reasonable around here.

  14. Amazing selection of pictures. I hope you will feel better soon.

    1. Thanks...I hope sometime late tomorrow I can get outside again. Today was damp and chilly.

    2. The star has to be that motorized scooter which looks so incongruous with her costume. With best wishes ,Barbara, for a speedy recovery.

    3. Yes it does. I just wonder if it even worked!

  15. Nice post. I love the woman on the scooter...looks like some of today’s motorized skateboards.Enjoyed the Dale Evans photo, too. As a kid, I used to watch her on the weekly Roy Rogers Show (by the way, any relation to your Rogers?)

    1. No relation...though of course I haven't looked through all the distant cousin Rogers. I saw them in one live rodeo, and yelled to Roy, I'm a Rogers too! I must have been about 12!

  16. There's something about old cars that invites everyone to sit all over them. I suppose with the big fenders and running boards they were more like the horse-drawn wagons that people of the time knew. Don't get that kind of snapshot with today's cars. I hope you've had some recovery this week. Doing household chores is a big motivator for me too, but I'm afraid in covid time both my wife and I have let our standards down since no one comes to visit and the dogs don't care.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.