Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Community gardens part 2


Looking to the other side of the tunnel system under I-40...the river goes through on the far right, the walk goes through on the far left.

Nice to see a waystation sign for Monarch butterflies...I didn't read the fine print, so don't know exactly what that entails!

I keep loving this view of the Swannanoa River, so I take a new shot each visit. They probably all look like the same photo!

Fun skies over the distant mountains.

One woman was working with some compost to the left side of the gardens.

There may be a few winter crops, or early spring started.

I can't wait to come back and see what everyone plants. I don't get up and down any more, so all my plants will be in pots on my porch!

The target of all the Frisbee Golfers...who certainly were out walking around throwing their little discs.

Today's quote:

Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful
—William Morris


  1. ...I have driven over that bridge! Today it will be warm enough to do some cleanup work in my garden.

    1. That's wonderful news. Gardens are such delightful pursuits...from making the dirt be extra fertile, to the regular watering and weeding.

  2. Hello,

    I like the views of the river and sky! I assume their is a butterfly garden there? Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Oh yes, the butterfly garden goes crazy, if I remember correctly!

  3. There is one park in the community to the north that has that frisbee golf set up, but I have never seen anyone playing at it. Not that I spend much time there.

    1. I think the recent groups have been on weekends...and probably were students from the nearby college.

  4. Community gardens are such a fine idea.

    1. I'm so glad this one is so active...they give lots to the food pantries and kitchens preparing free meals.

  5. Love the views there. It'll be nice to watch that community garden grow.

    1. It's going to be fun seeing the changes...I hope that when people start working their gardens I can still come see them.

  6. I love community gardens too and used to belong to one a few years ago until we moved. I love your views of the Swannanoa River, they are beautiful.

    1. Me too. It's amazing that it drains such a big valley, to me anyway.

  7. My younger daughter plays Frisbee golf. I can guarantee that I would be terrible at it, but she's a natural athlete like my late husband.

    1. I am totally in awe of these people throwing frisbees and somehow getting them to go where they want!

  8. Barbara, We've never had a community garden anywhere close to us. My better half used to garden and she can still bend and get down...but her hands don't work all that well. If I get down, I need to have something nearby to use to pull myself up or just call in a crane. Aging isn't for sissies and it does beat the alternative. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Me too, I'd have to have some furniture, or a fence at least to climb back up.

  9. Our landscapes are very similar, Barbara, but I'm sure your weather is getting warmer than mine is here in Colorado. If predictions are correct we might get another big snowfall this weekend. The snow is needed, however, as it has been dry again.
    I also grow everything in flower pots as our soil is rocky and full of clay. I have to surround each pot with chicken wire cages to keep the deer away. Disc golf is popular here too! Our ranch house has disc golf apparatus in a nearby park.

    1. My son lives down near Durango. Are you near Denver? Yes, I've heard about the drought there. I have to purchase potting soil for my pots, and I don't have very many big ones. We are in enough of an urban area to not have deer, but we have to watch out for black bears...they have become used to feeding out of people's garbage cans.

  10. It certainly looks like a good spot for a stroll.

    1. Thanks...I've enjoyed it, especially if bundled-up enough.


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