Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Sunday in sunshine, with the goose whisperer


This guy (seated) has been around for years (I've lived here 14 years, and I don't know when I first saw him, at least 8 years ago). He is somewhat mentally handicapped, but loves the geese, who come to him. He obviously tries feeding them various things. Today he had no luck with spinach or ramen noodles. He knows corn will be better, and never bread. 

Mr. Goose wanted to see what I had to eat too...but he's smart enough to know a phone camera when he sees one.  Oh how we've changed wildlife with our new technology!

This bench no longer has any place to put your  feet, as the ducks and geese have made a nice ramp right in front of it.

I really would have liked to sit there...but not until there is ground in front of it again. There was a female duck ready to mate, and she's underneath at least two males at the time I took this...no shame in wildlife!  Poor female finally got a chance to breathe.

A nice sunny day meant some people were also fishing. the lake has been stocked with trout. I still don't think I'd eat anything from it. Since probably a hundred dogs are walked around it daily...and when it rains the results of their pee then drains into the lake. Fortunately little bags are provided for their solid waste. And then there are the geese and ducks...no thanks!

And here's another Tiny Library!

This is a good placement. I need to donate some books I guess!

Quote for today:

Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.

~ Rumi


  1. Hello,
    Seeing the sunshine makes me happy. A nice day to be out walking around the lake. Love the geese and views.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen. Good to hear from you this morning! Have a great day!

  2. I imagine that they will return here soon.

    1. You must mean the geese...after all they are named for Canada!

  3. That little library needs some donations. You're having some nice days for walks. It's got to warm up more here for me to venture out regularly. Also more melting needed because there's not much space along the roadside.

    1. There was a brisk wind today, though the temp reached high 50s. If I had to walk along the road near me, I'd not go very far...no sidewalks available, so it's limited within the neighborhood. I drive about half a mile or maybe less, then can feel more comfortable walking!

  4. ...that library is running a bit low.

    1. You said it. I need to go through my books and see what I am not likely to read again.

  5. It'll be a few weeks before they settle back here.

    1. You Canadians have been missing your geese, eh?

  6. Just the other day we saw and heard more than a thousand geese flying overhead. It was such a sight and sound. It's nice to see the geese happy there and being fed good food by kind people. Nice to see the Tiny Library there too. We have a few here and have found some good reads.

    1. A thousand geese...what a joy to see and hear. I've never seen that many. I do like that their wings creak as they fly, whenever they're not honking!

  7. I have so many books I could donate to a little library if there were one around. Love sunny days!

    1. My friend built one and stuck it outside her own home...so any walkers in her neighborhood could help themselves. I haven't heard if it works or not.

  8. Now that IS a good quote!!

  9. Time to stock the little free library.

  10. Goose whisperer, I like that. I often carry a book with me on my twice daily walks, to give to a Little Free Library.

    1. That's great that you walk twice a day. I'm lucky to get in one walk a day, so far. I need to carry a book along to give to the little library.

  11. Today I watched two gray geese chase off a pair of Canada geese.


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